Openai-whisper failing on larger models (NVIDIA / CUDA issues)

I’m curious, does this shell work or does it fail to build as well?

# shell.nix
  pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
    config = {
      allowUnfree = true;
      cudaSupport = false;
    overlays = [
      (final: prev: {
        ctranslate2 = prev.ctranslate2.override {
          withCUDA = true;
          withCuDNN = true;
pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = with pkgs; [

You can activate it with:

$ nix-shell

For some reason that works and I’m able to run large v3 model with seemingly no issue.

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One possible explanation I have for this is that config.cudaSupport = true; enables CUDA for way too many packages than is needed and that might be a bit overkill. When I enabled it in the shell above, everything was compiling okay until it began building onnxruntime and that’s where my system freezes.

Having uncached dependencies indicates to me that they may not being built with this option enabled, but I don’t really know how to check.

On my system, I tried to enable this option once and faced a similar issue, that’s why I’ve opted to enabling CUDA on a per-package basis instead, using overrides/overlays like the one for ctranslate2 and I haven’t had any issues with that approach.

It finally works… Thank you for sticking with me throughout this issue

Just for conclusiveness, the final module that works is:



  nixpkgs =  {
    config = {
      cudaSupport = false;
      allowUnfree = true;

    # Set ctranslate2 cuda support
    overlays = [
      (final: prev: {
        ctranslate2 = prev.ctranslate2.override {
          withCUDA = true;
          withCuDNN = true;

nix.settings = {
  substituters = [ ""];
  trusted-public-keys = [
    # Compare to the key published at

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [


With this I’m able to run the large-v3 whisper model just fine and its much faster than the original whisper

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