Overriding generated attributes?


I’m trying to use nix with cgit and override the css. services.cgit generates the following in nginx

                location = /cgit.css {
                        alias /nix/store/xdhdwg06fksdvzmavizvirs7ww8jaqi7-cgit-1.2.3/cgit/cgit.css;

I want to replace it with my own css file and so I added the following

      services.nginx.virtualHosts.<name>.locations."= /cgit.css" =  {
        alias = "${cgitCss}";

However, that seems to generate a duplicate

                location = /cgit.css {
                        alias /nix/store/pgwwjvwpdpmhbva3hz0s1rdbkkqyrgdj-cgit.css;
                        alias /nix/store/xdhdwg06fksdvzmavizvirs7ww8jaqi7-cgit-1.2.3/cgit/cgit.css;

Is there any way to override the results? I’d like there to only be one alias.

Am I missing something here? I never used cgit, but it seems odd to add the css file to services.nginx instead of using services.cgit.<name>.settings.

Becraus cgitrc has a setting for the css file:

# Specify the css url
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Services.cgit has an ability to setup the nginx virtualhost for you, so you don’t need to set it up in the nginx service.

However, you did make me realize that I instead of trying to overwrite the cgit.css, could just set up a second location cgit2.css and serve the file there. It’s a bit ugly but it works!

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