Packages rolling back on their own

I’m using nushell. I’m on nixos-unstable. I did nixos-rebuild --upgrade boot recently. So my system was upgraded, and nushell was on version 0.94.1. I’m sure, because configuration file options changed, it warned me about that on shell startup and I fixed the problems by getting the default configuration file for 0.94.1 directly from nushell on my system with the config nu command and diffing it against my own config, and applying changes in my old config to the new config file. Still at this very moment my config file starts with:

# Nushell Config File
 # version = "0.94.1"

After this, I did a nixos-rebuild switch for another trivial change (removed tailscale), rebooted and now when I launch my shell I’m getting the message that nushell doesn’t recognize some configuration options. I run version and boom: It’s version 0.92.2

How did this happen?

Do which nu to see which nu comes first on your path. Personally, most of my software comes from home-manager, so I need to update that first.

Possible that you installed through cargo?

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Tysm. I double checked that I didn’t install it with cargo before posting, but turns out I installed the old binary into /home/username/.local/bin at some point in the past. This was real quick.

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