Packaging a SteamVR Driver

What would be the best way to package a driver for SteamVR? I essentially need to add files to the SteamVR drivers folder (usually located at ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/)

For the location of the steam folder, steamcmd will always use ~/.steam so I figure that’s fine, and it will also make the folder if it does not exist

Some problems I can think of include:

  • SteamVR folder may not exist if SteamVR is not installed, not sure if the package install should fail if it does not exist, or create the path itself and continue
  • I don’t believe there’s a built in solution for adding files to the home directory, I looked around and was thinking I could make a module for the package and have it create a symlink via a systemd service
  • Not sure if this package would added to steam’s extraPkgs specifically or installed with environment.SystemPackages

First time posting on a forum, sorry if I miss anything!