I’m trying to package readeck, it’s a bookmark/article manager.
When I use project’s Makefile to build - it works. But when I build web assets with nix, the server does not serve some assets, so the layout becomes distorted (like missing css or js). The project uses npm to build assest, and I’m not familiar with front-end.
Here’s my branch Comparing a4fd1e7f68...08635a78c9 - readeck/readeck - Codeberg.org
Readeck uses gulp to build assets, also it adds hashes to the output files. For some reason, assets generated in nix mostly the same, except css file.
January 20, 2025, 1:40am
I’m already running readeck on NixOS, based on the work of @JulienMalka (module) and @patka (package). I’ve dumped the code here:
← mweinelt:readeck
opened 01:40AM - 20 Jan 25 UTC
^ Please summarise the changes you have done and explain why they are nece… ssary here ^
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Code drop for https://discourse.nixos.org/t/packaging-readeck/59079
I don't currently have any intention to keep maintaining this. Ideally someone interested would volunteer for the maintainer role.
The module was authored by @JulienMalka, the package was created by @patka and I updated it for my own use.
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Oh I see, I found a package request for readeck but no mention of any in progress work So didn’t check PRs…