Packaging the Python austin profiler—help, suggestions (social issue?)


I would be interested in having the austin profiler for Python packaged in nixpkgs. I saw that there is a packaging request and a previous attempt in 2022, which eventually led in the packager leaving the task in frustration after review.

Now, I’d like to try to pick up packaging this, but reading that PR makes me very wary about what I’m wading into, especially since this would be my first Nix Python package. (Suggestions to pick something else may be wise, but don’t help if I need austin :laughing:) I get the feeling that the issue was, in the end, more social than technical, but all the details of how packaging is done in pythonPackages and why, as debated in that PR, are quite over my head.

I would benefit from someone more experienced in pythonPackages looking into that PR and discussion (it’s not long) and giving me an opinion on what the reasonable way forward is. If you are wary of wading into what looks like an old heated argument, feel free to also contact me privately.

Packaging request: Austin: Python frame stack sampler for CPython · Issue #198752 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub
Abandoned PR: austin, austin-python, austin-tui: init by delroth · Pull Request #198825 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub