Pipewire. Max volume seems to be low

So since the last week I began my journey to moving away from Windows 11 to NixOS, and to make things even more interesting im doing it on a gaming Acer laptop with bad linux support (AN517-41). So far my main issue is on default Gnome + pipewire setup sound on youtube is noticeable lower than it is on Windows 11. Also noticed it on Telegram Desktop app, so I guess the problem is in pipewire. Anyway I can’t find a way to either “over amplify” or increase the value that pipewire implies as max volume. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I recorded same piece of video playing on Windows 11 and NixOS with my smartphone (placed it near laptop and didn’t move it until recording was done on both systems), and recording confirms that im not mad, max volume youtube video playback in windows is like 2 times louder than on my NixOS system.

As a workaround I currently found an “over amplify” method using pamixer for situations when I can’t hear a thing:

pamixer --allow-boost --set-volume 150  # or any other value in percents

Not an exact science, but my goto for that is usually to check alsamixer for all the cards and all the outputs. And if that does not help, I use pavucontrol which works very well with pipewire and check the volumes there for both, the application playing sound and the soundcard.

In 99% of cases, some dial is down and the issue is solved afterwards. In pavucontrol, you can also do the over-amplify that you do with the commandline.

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pavucontrol trick to over-amplify is neat, especially since it allows easily amplify only specific applications. Thanks!

But I checked alsamixer before posting my issue and I checked pavucontrol rn, both have 100% on every channel available.