We’re super excited to announce our speaker lineup for Planet Nix 2025! You can see the speaker list on the Planet Nix website. We’ve got two full days of talks and workshops on a wide range of topics from the details of the Nix evaluator, to secrets, and setting up a Chromebook alternative. We’ll see you there!
Somewhat surprised and equally excited to see Kelsey Hightower on there
Was there a recording for room 104 on March 7th? I would like to listen to @Ericson2314 's talk
Sandstone: Fast incremental Haskell builds using dynamic derivations
I checked the SCaLE YouTube channel but there doesn’t seem to be a recording for that room on that day.
There was no recording, but I’ll put the slides in the repo or something. I would rather just read @fzakaria’s blog posts than watch a video, too :).
This was one of the most exciting developments in Nix that was demo’d at Planet Nix! Nice work John @Ericson2314. Looking forward to seeing the slides and a link to the repository as well.
Do we know if the recordings will be split up into talks?
They will be split up, and I’m sorry there wasn’t a recording of the workshop room. No one told me about this until after the conference
No worries. Thanks for all the effort on everyone’s part organizing this, it ended up being one of the best conferences I have ever been to.
I didn’t realize that as well.
OK put up my slides! sandstone/planet-nix-2025.pdf at slides · obsidiansystems/sandstone · GitHub
Thanks for the slides! I was disappointed when I realized there wasn’t a recording, but all the blog posts and the slides are very valuable as a replacement!
I see the Scale videos, but can’t find the Planet Nix videos. Unless they are embedded in the larger list.