Please disable the auto hide feature of discourse

Currently it is obviously being abused and it can be disabled: What happens when you flag a post - #54 by jenmck - users - Discourse Meta

We also cannot distinguish between an automatic action vs an action by one of the moderators.

A workaround for this issue: edit your posts and the hide will be gone.


When it’s being abused, the moderators will remove the flag when they see it in the queue – pretty sure they’ve recently done this a few times already.

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Why not not let that happen in the first place?

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Also who is the admin of this discourse? I’d like to contact them.

I’ll lock this thread for 12h or until the mods/admins currently sleeping in Europe unlocks it, whichever comes first. This is the answer to the question, and until that time nothing more can be done.


We are aware of the unclear perception resulting from the community based moderation approach. There is currently no plan to fully disable this feature, though we might have a go at tuning its sensitivity at some point down the road, though not until the moderation team can get some well-deserved rest.