Poetry2nix tokenizers torch install

Dear Nixos Community,

I could very much use your expertise in installing a python package (benepar) that has among others tokenizers and torch as dependencies. I have created a demo project as a showcase and playground to reproduce the issue that I am facing. You could clone the project and either call
nix develop or if you have direnv installed run direnv allow on the project.

I am struggling with this for quite a while. I cannot get the project to build.
It would be okay for me to just use prebuild binaries by setting preferWheels = true; in mkPoetryEnv for the whole project or on some packages. I currently have

name = "p2nispyenv"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Minimum demo project"

python = "^3.10"
benepar = "*"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

And the flake.nix:

  description = "Application packaged using poetry2nix";
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    poetry2nix = {
      url = "github:robert-elles/poetry2nix?ref=mychanges";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, poetry2nix }:
      py_version = "python311";
      pypkgs = "python311Packages";
    (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = import nixpkgs {
          inherit system;
          config.allowUnfree = true;
          overlays = [ poetry2nix.overlays.default ];
        inherit (poetry2nix.lib.mkPoetry2Nix { inherit pkgs; }) mkPoetryEnv;
        packages = {
          poetry = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.${pypkgs}.poetry;
          myenv = mkPoetryEnv
              projectDir = ./.;
              # preferWheels = true;
              python = pkgs.${py_version};
              extraPackages = pypkgs: with pypkgs; [

              overrides = pkgs.poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults (pyfinal: pyprev:
                  tokenizers = pyprev.tokenizers.override {
                    preferWheel = true;

                  sentencepiece = pyprev.sentencepiece.override {
                    preferWheel = true;

                  torch = pyprev.torch.override {
                    preferWheel = true;

                  torch-struct = pyprev.torch-struct.override {
                    preferWheel = true;

                  safetensors = pyprev.safetensors.override {
                    preferWheel = true;

                  nvidia-cusparse-cu12 = (pyprev.nvidia-cusparse-cu12.override {
                    preferWheel = true;
                  }).overridePythonAttrs (old: {
                    # autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = true;
                    propagatedBuildInputs = ((old.propagatedBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [

        devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
          buildInputs = [ ];
          packages = [

With this config I get as far as the following package collision, which I have no idea how to solve it.

direnv: loading ~/code/p2nixpyenv/.envrc                                                                                                                                  
direnv: using flake . --show-trace --keep-going --verbose
warning: Git tree '/home/robert/code/p2nixpyenv' is dirty
evaluating derivation 'git+file:///home/robert/code/p2nixpyenv#devShells.x86_64-linux.default'direnv: ([/nix/store/lhcz6v59vwcdavh73aixrnzq5ppli1w5-direnv-2.34.0/bin/direnv export zsh]) is taking a while to execute. Use CTRL-C to give up.
building '/nix/store/s0br71kjyrlfdmbb23ya5bn5hj2jj8x4-python3.11-torch-2.2.1.drv'...
building '/nix/store/jw7g0pnkh69jrym1hvfkx3khc6gswj9c-python3.11-accelerate-0.28.0.drv'...
building '/nix/store/sfvhwkwll24f736dq8iyffm4lqchazss-python3.11-torch-struct-0.5.drv'...
building '/nix/store/njh3vxm6j8a0wlahbbrhsxfc4h1k1lnl-python3.11-transformers-4.39.1.drv'...
building '/nix/store/pz79sb1jfgpid0d7ij8khlrcmg0q9shn-python3.11-benepar-0.2.0.drv'...
building '/nix/store/y7arck35jj2961qj5a4dvi1x4yxcd6w0-python3-3.11.8-env.drv'...
error: builder for '/nix/store/y7arck35jj2961qj5a4dvi1x4yxcd6w0-python3-3.11.8-env.drv' failed with exit code 25;
       last 1 log lines:
       > error: collision between `/nix/store/s34niaxf47j9d9nsis2wv1pwad672lh7-python3.11-nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12-12.1.105/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nvidia/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc' and `/nix/store/zqjv7blxpswk1xarqa2b1amjmvbr191g-python3.11-nvidia-cublas-cu12-'
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/y7arck35jj2961qj5a4dvi1x4yxcd6w0-python3-3.11.8-env.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/2922sjf50l1qx0f6sd71fqmjjfqlr3by-nix-shell-env.drv' failed to build
direnv: export ~PATH

It would be really fantastic if someone knows a solution, could guide or point me in the right direction.