Print with Samsung C480W

I try to install on my Nixos 18.09 a Samsung printer C480W (or SL-C480W), so I add :

  services.printing.enable = true;
  services.printing.drivers = with pkgs; [ samsung-unified-linux-driver_1_00_37 ];

It seems that the printer is supported this The Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository - Supported Printers but even if I use different drivers, I can’t print with it. I can add the printer in the KDE Interface but I have a “No such file” exception when I want to print a test page.

Anyone have an idea ?

Can it be related to this issue maybe? samsung printer driver fails with "Unable to execute pdftocairo for form flattening!" · Issue #49380 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Hi :slight_smile:
It seems not because my problem is just that after adding the C480W, KDE say it’s offline. I’ve not same logs that in 49380
I tried different versions of samsung-unified-linux-driver but it didn’t solve the problem.