Problems running `node-packages/` in nixpkgs

I’ve been trying to bump a nodejs application, namely tedicross and from what I have seen I need to run the shell script to update the generated .nix file. However after running the script for about 4 hours the output reads:

info attempt registry request try #1 at 12:18:55 AM
http request GET
http 200
info attempt registry request try #1 at 12:18:56 AM
http request GET
http 200
fetching local directory: ../../applications/editors/vscode/extensions/rust-analyzer/build-deps from .
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '(removed)/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/rust-analyzer/build-deps/package.json'

I am on commit 4e80e89031451e8172176997c2bf609d004458a9 and I have tested this on two computers, one on my laptop and one on a server and they both failed with the same message.