PRs in distress

We could use someone with knowledge about all or any of

  • linux memory overcommit rules
  • cgroups (and how they’re used with the nix daemon)
  • how the java VM claims its memory

here: sage: add patch to debug transient issue by timokau · Pull Request #65802 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

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i2p: 0.9.41 -> 0.9.42 by suhr · Pull Request #67641 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub is stuck because java-service-wrapper: init at 3.5.41 by suhr · Pull Request #67824 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub is also stuck.

LTO is broken on darwin, which can lead to problems for packages that enable it by default. There’s a PR that aims to fix it, but it’s almost 3 years old. It would be really great if someone who’s familiar with clang in Nix could shepherd this to completion.

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So if you have a PR which is stuck, or have seen a PR which is stuck,
why not try and post it here. And if you think you can help with a PR
that has been posted then you’re awesome!

First, thanks to everybody posting in this thread, and especially to
Aaron for raising the issue.

I’d like to make a suggestion, though:

When you post a PR in this thread, please include a summary of what
sort of help is needed. Without this, it’s very difficult to look
through the list and see things I could help with – I’d need to open
every PR individually.


Also please put the PR links on their own lines so Discord will expand them into summaries, which will help when skimming the thread to find PRs that I have some experience with.


Hi all! I have been working[1] on deprecating the type loaOf for quite some time and at this point the PR only needs reviewing. Any help would be appreciated, in particular testing the software not covered by nixos tests.

[1]: Deprecate types.loaOf by rnhmjoj · Pull Request #63103 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

The bot reports build errors on the darwin platform. I have no access to darwin or time/ability to figure this out even if I did. If someone was motivated to take a look at this it would be much appreciated as there are 2 CVEs listed against mariadb which are fixed by this release.

Would appreciate input on two things.

(1) The pull request adds “MPRIS” functionality which seems to require X11, which makes spotifyd fail when X11 is not available. Unsure how to handle this but I would like to see spotifyd working by default without X11.

(2) The version bump broke the spotifyd service module for me and I had to manually clear out its cache. I do not know if we should handle this and if so, how.

This PR went unnoticed but it’s a relatively important fix: it should also be backported. I have been running it on my server so I think it’s already good to be merged.


Would be thankful for a quick function test on Darwin/MacOSX so I can tick the last box in my first PR.
If anyone has a Darwin/MacOSX machine and 5 minutes for this, please do as follows:

  1. Checkout the PR
  2. Run at the top of the worktree nix-shell -E 'with import ./default.nix {}; mkShell { buildInputs = [ ammonite fish ]; }'
  3. If there’s no error, run fish in the resulting shell
  4. Run amm in the resulting fish shell
  5. Check that the Ammonite REPL pops up
  6. Type exit or hit control-D, whichever you prefer
  7. Report what happened in the PR thread
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Unfortunately, this package is unmaintained, so I don’t know whom to ping to look at this PR.

I have one question there because of the impact on package closure size of +78.35 MB (46.52%): Should gstreamerSupport be false by default (thus the effect of this PR be a non-default option)?

This is relatively simple PR but it touches the core of the python build system and is therefore a mass rebuild. I need some assistance in testing and reviewing.

I have a new PR in distress:

The issue is I don’t have a darwin machine so I can’t fix the darwin build without putting in unreasonable amounts of effort. Maybe some darwin wizard will help me out. :heart:

Is stuck, waiting for final review with two other reviewers already resigned.

It’s approved, just no one has merged it yet…

Here are two similar patches waiting for boost17x that improve the closure size usage of packages which depend on boost17x (such as nheko). If either one will be merged it’d be great:

My PR doesn’t build on aarch64. I got “error: linker aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc not found” and I have no idea if it’s a problem with one of the Rust dependencies or if it’s a problem with the aarch64 builder.