PRs ready for review _

Add many extra spaCy models:

Version bump for SoMaJo:

Version bump for sentencepiece:

[Merged] Package chewing-editor, the user phrase editor of Chewing Input Method.
A minor but important piece of application for Chewing users, especially for there is a problem in the current version of libchewing that adds incorrect user phrases to the database. (chewing/libchewing issue #232)

Three of mine here that have been languishing a little…

Bunch of speed and space fixes for dockerTools.buildLayeredImage: dockerTools: add streaming image support, improve speed and reduce IO by purcell · Pull Request #91084 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Fairly straightforward version bump and fix for the fast-downward planner: fast-downward: 2019-05-13 -> 19.12, build on darwin, fix runtime issues by purcell · Pull Request #90281 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Trivially prevent netcdf from depending on gcc at runtime:

Another controversial one,but this will allow to migrate many options for managing the shell in nixpkgs

I’d appreciate a review on the following PR, thanks!

I have followed all directions and suggestions on github discussion. I think the PR is ready to merge.

This simple PR has already my review but another pair of eyes would be appreciated.

Update PyTorch to 1.5.1 (a bugfix release) and fix the AArch64 build:

I’d benefit of some review of people who use the VM building facilities in NixOS:

It would be great if someone could help me get this pr merged

Already peer reviewed, needs final review + merger. Thanks.

Alternative to this Thread (experimental)

If your PR is ready for review, consider testing the new bot Marvin. You can opt-in your PR and indicate that you’re looking for a reviewer by posting a comment with the commands

/marvin opt-in
/status needs_reviewer

The bot will then set the appropriate status label. It will also attempt to assign you a reviewer, though review capacity is limited. If it does not assign you a reviewer right away, please be a bit patient. The bot will assign reviewers to older PRs first, your PR will get its turn eventually. Once it has been reviewed, it will be brought to the attention of someone who can merge it.

If your PR is managed by marvin and gets stuck waiting for a review, that is considered a bug. You can only opt-in your own PRs.

Marvin is still experimental.


hello, would be nice If someone could test the changes in make-disk-image: add hybrid and dynamic sized images by Lassulus · Pull Request #89331 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub


vimPlugins: vim-airline-clock init at 2018-05-08
vimPlugins: vim-rails init at 2020-06-19
vimPlugins: MatchTagAlways init at 2017-05-20
vimPlugins: vim-over init at 2020-01-26
vimPlugins: vim-ragtag init at 2020-01-26

Utilities to control AMD Wraith Prism RGB LEDs:

cde-gtk-theme: small adjustments

lazpaint: init at 7.1.3

openxray: 558 → 730

Support for OpenCL on modern AMD GPUs based on the ROCm stack:

Would even be nicer if someone has an AMD GPU and could test this as well ;). Works fine on my RX580 though.

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