PRs ready for review _

This one is mostly done but the author still needs some help to get rid of an error:

A few simple month+ old PRs:

Hi, somewhat frustrated maintainer of the Sonarr derivation here, with a > 1 month-old approved PR that bumps a major version but seems to be languishing. Looking for a merger to confirm there’s nothing more to be done.

A PR to restore the build of fastcdr by treating doxygen warnings as warnings instead of as errors. fastcdr currently fails to build (e.g. see hydra) with the new doxygen >= 1.10.0. An upstream issue was already created, but while we’re waiting for a fix, the temporary workaround to the fastcdr package could already be merged.

A new language server (LSP) for C#

A REPL shell for C# (.NET Tool)

I’m new to contributing to NixOS, may I know what are the next steps to get reviewers to this PR →

I don’t see an option to attach reviewers etc.

What would be a normal ETA for such things?

Thank you

SEGGER and Nordic NRF tools re-added after the removal of QT4 apps. This PR has been sitting for months, would be nice to finally upsteam the apps back.

Not my PR, but I think it needs some attention

fixes issues with libtiff decoding webp/zstd compressed content in some apps - namely cartridges but could be more?