PRs ready for review _

In case anyone wants to review, I’ve got a fairly trivial update PR over here. Not urgent but it’d be nice to merge.

still waiting for this to be reviewed, i consider this kinda important because i (and possibly others) want to switch to librewolf but cant because of this issue, some users may also have unknowingly been getting heavily fingerprinted while using librewolf and/or have experienced more compatibility issues than usual

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A fairly old one to allow users to set customize JDKs to run JetBrains’ IDEs.

Small version bump of pulumi:

Init of which is officially recommended by Inkscape as a way to animate an SVG

Not really sure if im following proper guidelines, as its my first application, but would like some feedback on.

Here is a Python package ready for review and merge. Has been tested by the creator and by myself, and works flawlessly on both Linux and MacOS. Just needs a button press from someone who can.

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I added neotest-golang here, and I’m wondering if there’s anything else I have to do to get the PR reviewed:

I’m the author of neotest-golang.

Could use an in-depth look, not a very experienced contributor

Neovim node client package moved into standalone package. Already approved by neovim maintainer, but needs another review pass.