Raising money to package RStudio for macOS

Dear community

I am raising money to pay Numtide to package RStudio for Nix for macOS platforms.

RStudio is an IDE for the R programming language, very popular among data scientists. RStudio also supports other common languages and even has an visual editor for Markdown. If you want to know more about RStudio, check it out here: Download RStudio | The Popular Open-Source IDE from Posit

RStudio is available via Nix for Linux platforms, but not for macOS. I have reached out to Numtide and they offered to package it for 4500$. I am thus raising money to get it done.

If you want to contribute to the fundraiser, here is the link:

Many thanks!


Before throwing out money at this fundraiser can you please answer some questions?

  • Will this be pr’d into nixpkgs?
  • If so, who will take over maintainership?
  • If this is by numtide or its associates, is this covered by the raised funds?

PS: I am not using R nor MacOS, but might be interested in funding this, just to have more things available outside of the mainly linux targeting eco system.


Will this be pr’d into nixpkgs?

Yes, that’s one of the requirements I gave to numtide.

If so, who will take over maintainership?

There is small, but very active R users community using Nix which will help with maintaining the macOS version. I think that once we have an initial version of the package working, we should be able to keep it working through time. We have tried already packaging it for macOS but it’s proving quite challenging as most of us (myself included) don’t have macOS. I do have a hackintosh VM for testing purposes.

If this is by numtide or its associates, is this covered by the raised funds?

I’m not sure I understand the question: yes numtide will be packaging the macOS version, and the funds will cover the packaging work as well as gofundme fees (and exchange risk as well).

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The last question was about continued package maintanance through numtide. Though as you said that “community will take over”, that question is mostly obselete.

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Ah yes, no, Numtide is not going to maintain the package.

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