REAPER with ReaPack?

When I tried to install ReaPack at first, I tried to use the reaper option “Show REAPER resource path in file explorer” and that didn’t respond. Then I found the directory myself, placed ReaPack into the UserPlugins folder and ReaPack was installed.

ReaPack looks fine, but when I try to add a new package, it doesn’t show up in the reaper action list. I think this may be because ReaPack doesn’t know what directory it’s in, and can’t install the packages because of that.

I’m on the stable channel and I just rebuilt nixos. Help is much appreciated.

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I’m with you! I’m trying to make NixOS my main driver for my desktop experience because it aligns so nicely with how my brain works.

The Show Resource Folder under options may have something to do with XDG portals or some other setting I’m not aware of, but mine didn’t pull anything up either. I did the same and you and did a little digging to find the Reaper user folder.

I first looked for nixos packages for reapack and sws-- failing finding those (if I ever dip my toes into learning how to submit packages, those will probably be my first stop) Iooked on the sites and at the code for each and realized they were just .so files so I went into the ~/.config/REAPER/ directory in my user home and compared the structure to the one on my current Windows install and where those packages went for that one.

The linux x64 .so file for Reapack I dropped in the ~/.config/REAPER/UserPlugins/.

For SWS it similarly comes with a .so that goes in ~/.config/REAPER/UserPlugins/ and some python scripts that go into the ~/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ and some groove files which ~/.config/REAPER/Grooves/ directory, but that structure is contained in the linux x64 .xz archive file that comes from the SWS site so I put it in the ~/.config/REAPER/ directory and extracted it in place and everything went where it should.

I was concerned that maybe I’d have to do some nix-ld stuff or somesuch to get the .so files to work, but to my surprise when I loaded up Reaper things just worked. I was able to use Reapack to install the “-12 dim” plugin from the repo to test and make sure things worked. I DID have to restart Reaper to get it to pick the plugin up (I might have been able to just rescan plugins, but I wanted to make sure I had a fresh session so none of my other tinkering would be at fault.)

For reference, I’m on unstable.

Thanks so much! I had done this with ReaPack but not SWS. I did restart reaper. I’m going to try to switch to unstable to see if it affects anything.

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It ended up working. My actions are installed, now I just have to configure them right…

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