Rebuild errors mentioning a deleted user

I previously created a second user account by adding a section like this to my NixOS configuration:

users.users.otheruser = {
  isNormalUser = true;
  description = "Other User";
  shell = pkgs.zsh;
  extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" ];

home-manager.users.otheruser = import /home/otheruser/.config/home-manager/home.nix;

I’ve since decided I don’t need this user account, so I removed the section above from my configuration, and manually ran sudo userdel -r otheruser and sudo groupdel otheruser as per the NixOS User Management instructions. Note I don’t have users.mutableUsers = false set.

However, now every time I run sudo -i nixos-rebuild switch the rebuild fails with errors like this:

       Failed assertions:
       - Exactly one of users.users.otheruser.isSystemUser and users.users.otheruser.isNormalUser must be set.

       - is unset. This used to default to
       nogroup, but this is unsafe. For example you can create a group
       for this user with: = "otheruser";
       users.groups.otheruser = {};

I’m quite sure my NixOS configuration is not referencing the other user account anywhere now, so I don’t know where this error is coming from?

Both user accounts were using home-manager in the NixOS module mode, with both users having the home-manager.users.username = import /path/to/home.nix section. I’ve tried commenting out all mention of home-manager, including the import of <home-manager/nixos>, but that doesn’t seem to have changed the result.

I’m not sure if this is a NixOS problem or a home-manager problem?

I’m running NixOS 24.05. sudo -i nix-channel --list shows:

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I assume it does and that is probably where the error is coming from. Do you have your config (the whole config) uploaded anywhere?

Agh. Yes, it turns out one of files I include for desktop systems has something like this:

users.users.otheruser = {
    extraGroups = [ "video" "input" ]

and that was setting enough config under users.users.otheruser to cause the error above.

I wish the error message was a little clearer here, but I can understand how setting that caused an issue considering how NixOS configuration is structured.