Rebuild Manager

95% of the time rebuilds are painless.
5% of the time they throw an error.
10% of those errors are curveballs.
(these statistics are scientifically proven)

Is it me, or is there something about the error messages that is a bit inscrutable? The relevant information is normally hiding in there, and I am learning to dig for it. Could it not be more obvious?

Would some sort of AI rebuild manager be a bit far-fetched?
Where you run an application in tandem with the rebuild to explain the error and give you the diagnostic remedy?

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This is not just you, and the reason is that NixOS configurations go through the module system, which is a sufficiently thick layer of Nix language code to make traces quite long and confusing. This is improving slowly with better assertion messages from within the module system, but cannot really be helped from anywhere else without building module system primitives right into the language. This is in fact what Nickel does: GitHub - tweag/nickel: Better configuration for less