Can anyone recommend a virtual laser pointer that works on Wayland/Xwayland across all apps, presentations, and video apps? Need to draw attention to my cursor in meetings. Could be a slide deck, my editor, in-browser, out-of-browser, zoom, Google Meet, etc
That’s for screenshots. I am looking for an on-screen drawing (over the desktop) for presentations, essentially a laser pointer to draw attention to on-screen meeting items.
Gnome has a thing where you tap the control key and it highlight the cursor position with an animated set of concentric circles, a bit like a target. It’s mostly intended for finding the cursor when you have a lot of screens and the pointer might be hard to see because it’s been set to a tiny icon or something, but it might be useful for this case too - perhaps in combination with another option when you find it.
A neat trick you can do is toggle the cursor theme on the fly, which you can map to a custom shortcut:
On Gnome, the script looks something like this for me:
if gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme | grep -i -q catppuccin; then
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'GoogleDot-Red'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 24
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'catppuccin-macchiato-dark-cursors'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 16
One thing to note here is that this did not work with all applications in my system, possibly because I’m also using home.pointerCursor, which I don’t think you can change on the fly.