Recommended way to theme applications with Hyprland?

Hey, I am moving from KDE to Hyprland, when I removed KDE it messed up my dolphin theme, I’ve been trying to find how to theme it, but I have found several ways, discussed over several years, but I don’t know what I should use.

currently I have

  environment.sessionVariables = {
    QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE = "catppuccin-kde";

with the catppuccin-kde package installed but that doesn’t work.

I saw Kvantum, but the examples I found have things set to QT5, so I don’t know if it’s a good idea.

While I’m here, the cursor changed after I removed KDE, I downloaded a xcursor, set the env vars in hyprland.conf, and it works for when the cursor is over kitty or an empty workspace, but waybar and firefox show an old style windows cursor, and dolphin shows what I think is the breeze cursor

Hi, I’m very happy with stylix, based on a base16 color scheme it generates the theme for gnome/kde and many apps (via home-manager)


I’m trying to set it up, however I’ve encountered a few problems.

It’s not theming dolphin, but it did change the theme of firefox, however, it made it light mode, despite me specifying polarity dark and rose pine moon.

My config

It also made pretty much everything else light mode: qbitorrent, thunderbird, etc…

I don’t use kde apps, but it seems like there is some work in progress to improve this.

I don’t have this polarity issue with thunderbird and firefox, maybe you can try installing them from home-manager instead of system packages?