Research article: Does Functional Package Management Enable Reproducible Builds at Scale? Yes

Hello everyone,

I am very proud to announce the publication of my latest research paper at MSR’25: Does Functional Package Management Enable Reproducible Builds at Scale? Yes, written with Stefano Zacchiroli and Théo Zimmermann.

This is a publication as part of my PhD on the impact of Nix on software supply chain security and in particular it focuses on studying the proportion and evolution of bit-by-bit reproducible packages in nixpkgs.

I invite curious readers to read directly the paper, but I also summarized the key takeaways of the article in a blogpost.

Happy to answer any question :smiley:


Congratulations on this work, this is very inspirational! Keep up the great work guys!!!


Indeed, very nice read!
Great work and good luck with the PhD, so all hands on deck to get Trustix in place?

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Awesome work, and a really impressive result for the reproducible builds heroes around Nixpkgs! Please add the paper to Research and Scientific Publications | Nix & NixOS


@JulienMalka Kind of OT, but what led you to use this way of phrasing the title, rather than a perhaps more traditinoal “Functional package management enables reproducible builds at scale” ?

Just curious, I like the title, it’s a bit catchier I guess :slight_smile:

Congrats on publishing your findings ! I got the link for FOSDEM but this deserves more advertising.
One question : you checked for bitwise reproducibility with nix build --check. Does that compare the build and its refernce bit per bit ?

Yes, it does compare bit-by-bit !

Yes indeed, it was a catchier title :slight_smile:


Hi Julien, I was sorry to miss this talk at FOSDEM, but my colleague went and thought it was very interesting! I loved the fact that you found a regression in pip as a result of the work.

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