Run a python service on boot

Hello, I try to run a simple python web server on boot, but I keep having a 127 error code. This is my service : = {
    enable = true;
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
    description = "Web server";
    path = with pkgs; [ python3 php ];
    script = ''
      echo "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3" > /home/env-admin/log;
      ${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3 /home/env-admin/web/;

I saw stuff with flakes but it seems too complex for nothing. Is there something missing ?
The file /home/env-admin/log is never created

What error? I don’t see an error here.

And /home/env-admin needs to be owned by the user running this systemd service, which it probably isn’t.

Ok, I think i need to learn more about systemd and the user system, thank you !