Run a Simple Go Web Service on NixOS

I haven’t seen a tutorial explain this in detail, so I created my own.

I’m interested in feedback about whether this can be simplified or improved.


I enjoy NixOS for my laptop and use it for some servers but there’s a bit of challenge managing multiple machines via gitops.

I forget about which machines need which secrets (agenix) and what version each machine is at.

I should just have them pull on a quick cron to assume they are on latest but /shrug

Great guide! I agree there isn’t much about deploying NixOS apps to prod, since there are a few peculiarities compared to just running it on your laptop. Two resources I found helpful:

Maybe others might find them helpful.

This project should be doing what you want GitHub - nlewo/comin: GitOps For NixOS Machines
(Disclaimer: I want o try it but didn’t get to it yet)

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