Rust/Cargo: cargo2nix VS crane VS dream2nix VS ...?

It seems like cargo2nix, crane, and dream2nix are the best, most mature builders for cargo/rust; is that right or are there better ones? What is the difference between them? What is the most solid/mature for a rust project that will be in development/maintenance for years?

cargo2nix seems the only one that makes a derivation per dependency (see 17275/11, 17275/13) as to make better UX for development/building; from Java/Maven experience in Nix, I know well the pain of fixed output derivations with all dependencies in a single derivation. cargo2nix also idealized integrating with dream2nix.

Seems like nix-cargo-integration uses dream2nix. dream2nix also seems interesting for its Node.js integration (I will likely use Node.js/Typescript as well).

I will likely try all them out by myself, but wanted some opinions from experienced users or who have some insight.

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No one can answer that right now.

AFAIK crane is good for local development but when deploying for production all the extra derivations and caching steps slow things down quite a bit.

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For a project (workspace with 19 crates) at work we are using cargo2nix.

After initial setup it’s convenient.

Just a cargo2nix -f Cargo.nix in the project root after any change to any Cargo.toml.

Only problem/inconvenience we had so far: If you want to use tokio-console you need to rebuild
your project with

rustflags = ["--cfg", "tokio_unstable"]

in the .cargo/config.toml file. That is not picked up by the version of cargo2nix we are using. You have to edit the generated
file by hand to make it happen.

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If you don’t need workspace support and don’t want to depend on dream2nix or crane/cargo2nix I recommend this flake template I made →

If you do need workspace support and want faster builds via separate derivation caching (Crane) I recommend using dream2nix, dream2nix’s API/interface is significantly better than the native Crane one IMO.

A dream2nix template should look like this:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flake-parts = { url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts"; inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs"; };
    dream2nix = { url = "github:nix-community/dream2nix"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; };

  outputs = inputs:
    inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
      systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
      imports = [ inputs.dream2nix.flakeModuleBeta ];

      perSystem = { pkgs, lib, ... }: {
        dream2nix.inputs.self.source = inputs.self;

I also suggest against using cargo2nix as it has the worst API and flakes support. Another thing worth reading is Crane’s author thoughts on per-crate caching and why it might not be worth it or reliably possible → Incremental builds of dependencies · ipetkov/crane · Discussion #213 · GitHub

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TL/DR: I don’t understand your opinion about cargo2nix.

A lot of the discussion in the link you posted comes down to the fact, that changing feature flags (which might happen by adding new dependencies, too) might result in a rebuild of more dependencies, than
just the directly affected ones.

I don’t see how that invalidates the benefit of only rebuilding, what needs to be rebuild.

For example we use aws-sdk-ec2 and syn which have really huge build times. Any tool creating a single derivation containing all the dependencies of our project, would force us to endure that build time
every time we make any change to a Cargo.toml. With cargo2nix we only need to rebuild those
monsters, when we do a general update of the versions of our dependencies.

Also, there might be some confusion of cargo2nix and crate2nix in that discussion.

cargo2nix uses cargo as a library. So it doesn’t need to recreate cargo, just translate its results into Nix expressions.

crate2nix uses the output of cargo metadata. I don’t know whether there is any knowledge about a project cargo doesn’t put into this output.

at 08:25:14 ❯ cargo metadata --help
Output the resolved dependencies of a package, the concrete used versions including overrides, in machine-readable format

Reads to me like, this should be the build plan.

A tool not using cargo would have to recreate a lot of its logic.

In the link you posted, ipetkov also writes

If you don’t care about using cargo then cargo2nix might be a great option!

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Sorry I was thinking of crate2nix not cargo2nix, these names are killing me :sweat_smile:.