Southern California Linux Expo 2024 (SCaLE 21x)
- CFP Info
- November 1, 2023 - Deadline for proposal submissions
- December 1, 2023 - Acceptance notifications begin
- Conference Info
- March 14-17, 2024
- Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California (near Los Angeles)
Site: SCALE 21x | SCALE 21x
This will be the 21st Annual Southern California Linux Expo covering all open source operating systems and software. SCaLE’s mission is to provide educational opportunities on the topic of Open Source software. Our target audiences are both current and potential users of OSS. Those users can be individual computer users, educational institutions, or businesses. It is a volunteer-run event.
Call for Papers
@djacu @sarcasticadmin and David Nuon are heading up a new speaker track for this coming year: Reproducible and Immutable Software
We’d like to announce this track specifically to the wider nix community for those interested in speaking on the topic at the event. The description for the track is as follows:
This track is dedicated to exploring recent advancements in reproducible and immutable software as a means to achieve security, consistency, and reliability in software builds and deployments. Talks may discuss tools, techniques, patterns and success stories implementing reproducibility and/or immutability including (but not limited to) use of Nix, NixOS, Guix, Fedora Silverblue, or Ubuntu Core.
Additionally, there are many other tracks should you be interested in submitting a talk outside of the aforementioned track. These include: Embedded, Systems and Infrastructure, Observability, etc. The full list can be found here: Call For Presenters | SCALE 21x
How to Submit
Navigate to the CFP Announcement and follow the instructions under the: How to Submit a Proposal Section
Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out on this thread or to me directly.
SCaLE is a volunteer run event, this includes the expo network and WiFi which runs on a majority of open source software including NixOS for all of our virtual machines providing DNS, DHCP, and various custom applications.
If anyone’s interested in volunteering on the SCaLE Tech-Team: DM me for more details
SCaLE also needs help with other areas outside of the tech team email: for more info