Screen Time features for NixOS

Hi everyone,
I made a Screen Time project for NixOS.
For now, it’s not a proper Nix package, just a bunch of configuration options along with a shell script.


  • Downtime: Block your computer from opening outside of specified working hours.
  • URL Blocklist: Block specified URLs in Chromium and Firefox.
  • Non-bypassable: Can’t bypass it when you are feeling down like most traditional solutions.

Check it out!


In what way is this project specific to NixOS? To me it looks like people may profit from it regardless of distro

Well tbh, I can’t be bothered to write instructions for other distros and test for that. I don’t even know where Chromium or Firefox policies are stored in traditional Linux. But you’re right, it’s not hard at all to translate the project for e.g Debian or Arch.

Timelock your root password. Set the decryption time to an amount that’ll prevent your impulsive behavior. Whenever you want to make a change in your system, you can start decrypting the password. After the decryption is complete, you can do whatever system modifications you want, and then delete the decrypted password.

That is certainly interesting! I guess a big problem is that you can’t do frequent NixOS rebuilds :sweat_smile:

In my experience, that has not been a big problem. I don’t think you really need to rebuild your system every day.