Security advisory: Sensitive Data Exposure via `services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer`


It’s possible to define the connection string for the pgbouncer instance
via the option services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer.connectionStringFile.

The option is supposed to point to a file that will be read with a cat and the
contents will be added to the cmdline of the exporter.

Hence, the connection string - that may contain sensitive information such as the
DB password - is leaked into the cmdline and effectively world-readable.

Am I affected

You are affected if

  • You use the pgbouncer exporter (services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer.enable = true;)
  • You use the option services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer.connectionStringFile and the
    file contains sensitive information such as a DB password.


The issue got fixed by


Remediating the issue is done by:

  • Update the NixOS channels

  • Create an environment file with the contents

    PGBOUNCER_EXPORTER_CONNECTION_STRING=<your connection string for pgbouncer>
  • Replace services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer.connectionStringFile
    with services.prometheus.exporters.pgbouncer.connectionEnvFile.

  • Switch to the new configuration.


Unrelated to the issue at hand, just wanted to say thanks for the effort here - the format of these advisories has improved so much, they’re very clear, easy to understand and actionable downstream.