services.xserver.videoDrivers does something I didn't expect

I have added the following to configuration.nix

services.xserver.videoDrivers = [

Looking at services.xserver.videoDrivers in search I see the following description.

The names of the video drivers the configuration supports. They will be tried in order until one that supports your card is found. Don’t combine those with “incompatible” OpenGL implementations, e.g. free ones (mesa-based) with proprietary ones.

I presume the issue I am experiencing is covered by the last warning above but what I see in xorg.conf is the following sections (blank lines and comments removed);

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier "Layout[all]"
  Option "AllowNVIDIAGPUScreens"
  Screen "Screen-modesetting[0]"
Screen "Screen-fbdev[0]"
Screen "Screen-modesetting[0]"
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-modesetting[0]"
  Driver "modesetting"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "Screen-modesetting[0]"
  Device "Device-modesetting[0]"
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-fbdev[0]"
  Driver "fbdev"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "Screen-fbdev[0]"
  Device "Device-fbdev[0]"
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-modesetting[0]"
  Driver "modesetting"
  BusID "PCI:0:2:0"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "Screen-modesetting[0]"
  Device "Device-modesetting[0]"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-nvidia[0]"
  Driver "nvidia"
  BusID "PCI:10:0:0"
  Option "AllowExternalGpus"

Screen-modesetting[0] and Device-modesetting[0] are defined twice. If I change the first and last sections from above as follows using an effective index value from my list in configuration.nix, then this config becomes ‘valid’… I say valid as in:

  1. It seems to match part of the description above - 'They will be tried in order until one that supports your card is found.
  2. It boots using the integrated Intel GPU.
  3. It allows me to easily adjust only the ‘ServerLayout’ section to change what GPU is used. (See below)
Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier "Layout[all]"
  Option "AllowNVIDIAGPUScreens"
  Screen "Screen-modesetting[0]"
  Screen "Screen-fbdev[1]"
  Screen "Screen-modesetting[2]"
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-modesetting[2]"
  Driver "modesetting"
  BusID "PCI:0:2:0"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "Screen-modesetting[2]"
  Device "Device-modesetting[2]"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "Device-nvidia[2]"
  Driver "nvidia"
  BusID "PCI:10:0:0"
  Option "AllowExternalGpus"

Any ideas if it is possible to ‘force’ something like this to happen from configuration.nix?

I should note that the test machine I have done this on is still using 23.11.

The reason I am asking this question is because I have setup NixOS to dynamically use a Thunderbolt eGPU with a NVidia Graphics card and without having to chose a specialisation at boot time. It checks and updates the PCIe address as required and uses the NVidia GPU if it is attached. The eGPU is currently not practically hot-plug/unplug-able as I am using Xorg and not Wayland.

Having said that, it appears to work although I am currently needing to modify multiple sections of xorg.conf which would be much easier if I could just ‘grab’ a unique screen in the ServerLayout.

I very much doubt I have done this the ‘best’ way but I struggled to find examples of how to do this at all so would welcome recommendations in-case I have over-complicated this… Of course, in the unlikely event I have done something useful, I’d be happy to share how I did it (in configuration.nix) and open it up for scrutiny! :sweat_smile: (Always nervous sharing my hacks. ha ha ha)

Whilst I haven’t addressed the issue above, I thought I would document out how I am currently doing this before I move on to something else and whilst it is still fresh in my mind. I would really like to know; 1) if I have done something dumb, 2) if there is a better way or 3) if there is something I could do better (bash-scripting arggghh!). Always keen to learn. :smiley:

My objectives

  1. Don’t require the user to chose a specialisation at boot.
  2. Use a Thunderbolt eGPU with a NVidia graphics card if it is available
  3. Dynamically work out the PCIE address of the NVidia card so I can plug it in to any Thunderbolt port, even daisy-chained off a dock and it should work.

All these changes were done in configuration.nix.

Summary of the steps

  1. I start by creating a tmpfs (yes I know it’s not really a ramdisk)
  2. I then create a shell script and a systemd service to start it before the graphical target. This modifies the exported xorg.conf and updates the PCIe address.
  3. I then setup all my config as if my system were running all the video drivers.
  4. Lastly I tell X to export it config to /etc/X11 so I can modify it and tell X to use the modified one

Steps in Detail

Create /tmp/ramdisk u=root / g=root / 777. I do this using a system activationScript with some basic checks.

	system = {
		activationScripts = {																						# 11Feb24 : system.activationScripts run each boot and rebuild so must be idempotent
			createFileSharePath = {																				# 11Feb24 : Create a script to create and setup folders
				text = ''
					MakeFolder() {																						# 11Feb24 : Define a subroutine to create folders and set permissions, owner and group
						if [ ! -e $1 ]; then																		# 11Feb24 : Check if the entry doen't exist
							mkdir $1																							# 11Feb24 : Create the folder
						if [ -d $1 ]; then																			# 11Feb24 : Check if entry exists and is a directory
							if [ $(stat -c %U "$1") != "$2" ]; then								# 11Feb24 : Check if owner needs changing 
								chown $2 $1																					# 11Feb24 : Change Owner
							if [ $(stat -c %G "$1") != "$3" ]; then								# 11Feb24 : Check if group needs changing 
								chgrp $3 $1																					# 11Feb24 : Change Group
							if [ $(stat -c %a "$1") != "$4" ]; then								# 11Feb24 : Check if permissions needs changing 
								chmod $4 $1																					# 11Feb24 : Change permissions
					MakeFolder "/tmp/ramdisk" root root 777										# 26Jun24 : Create a folder to have a small ramdisk for temp files

Create a temporary place to build the xorg.conf that is used to start x. It doesn’t need to survive between boots as it is built every time.

  systemd = {
		mounts = [
				enable = true;
				options = "size=64m";
				type = "tmpfs";
				wantedBy = [
				what = "ramdisk";
				where = "/tmp/ramdisk/";

Create the shell script to be started by a systemd service. The main things someone else needs to check here are;

  1. the string that matches the NVidia card: hexNvidiaPcieAddress=$(${pkgs.pciutils}/bin/lspci | grep "VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU116 \[GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER] (rev a1)" | sed -r 's/^([0-9a-f:\.]+)\s.+$/\1/')
  2. the decision to remove the frame buffer drivers at the end of the script. For me, this stops the laptop’s internal HDMI port from being availble. If you want the HDMI port just comment out that line
	ShellScript-x-config-prepare-script = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "x-config-prepare-script" ''
		#!/usr/bin/env bash
		#	  1.1.0	|	27Jun24	| 09:39	|	fsbof			        		| Initial Script
		#	  1.2.0	|	28Jun24	| 17:15	|	fsbof    					    | Revised to use /tmp/ramdisk
		usage () {
			echo "Usage: $0 [-h|--help]"
			echo "This script will;"
			echo "Copy the exported xorg.conf to the temporary location. This requires"
			echo "  services.xserver.exportConfiguration = lib"".mkForce true;"
			echo "  lib"".mkForce seems to be required on 23.11 but not 24.05."
			echo "Get the current PCIE address of a specific eGPU/Thunderbolt connected"
			echo "  NVidia card, if it exists."
			echo "Tidy and Strip out the ServerLayout, Screen and Devices sections of"
			echo "  the xorf.conf file."
			echo "Appended the new ServerLayout, Screen and Device sections with the"
			echo "  correct PCIe address if required."
			echo "-h  | --help       : ignores any other parameters and returns this help file."
			echo "Exit Codes"
			echo " 0 - Success"
			echo "Version 1.2.0	-	28Jun24	17:15"
		for args in "$@"
			if [ "$args" == "-h" ] || [ "$args" == "--help" ]
		# Copy the xorg.conf file to the ramdisk
			cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /tmp/ramdisk/orig-xorg.conf
		# Check if the NVidia card is available by looking for its PCIe address
			hexNvidiaPcieAddress=$(${pkgs.pciutils}/bin/lspci | grep "VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU116 \[GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER] (rev a1)" | sed -r 's/^([0-9a-f:\.]+)\s.+$/\1/')
		# Tidy and Strip out the ServerLayout, Screen and Devices sections of xorf.conf
		# Initialize counters
		# Process the original Xorg file line by line
			while IFS= read -r line; do
				if [[ $inServerLayout == 1 ]]; then
					if [[ $line =~ EndSection ]]; then
				elif [[ $inScreen == 1 ]]; then
					if [[ $line =~ EndSection ]]; then
				elif [[ $inDevice == 1 ]]; then
					if [[ $line =~ EndSection ]]; then
				elif [[ $inSection == 1 ]]; then
					if [[ $line =~ EndSection ]]; then
						echo "$line" >> "$newXorgFile"
					elif [[ ! $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then
						echo "$line" >> "$newXorgFile" # include the line if it is not blank and is in a section
				elif [[ $line =~ Section.*\"ServerLayout\" ]]; then
					inServerLayout=1 # do not include these sections
				elif [[ $line =~ Section.*\"Screen\" ]]; then
					inScreen=1 # do not include these sections
				elif [[ $line =~ Section.*\"Device\" ]]; then
					inDevice=1 # do not include these sections
				elif [[ $line =~ Section.*\" ]]; then
					inSection=1 # In a Section
					echo "$line" >> "$newXorgFile"
				elif [[ $line =~ ^# ]]; then
					: # don't include lines that are purely comments
				elif [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then
					if [[ $lastLineIsBlank == 0 ]]; then
						echo "$line" >> "$newXorgFile" # include the line if it is blank and outside a section but stop next blank line
					echo "$line" >> "$newXorgFile"
			done < "/tmp/ramdisk/orig-xorg.conf"
		# If there is a PCIe address for the nvidia, then lets use it
			if [ "$hexNvidiaPcieAddress" == "" ]; then
				# No NVidia card, so all that is needed is to append the ServerLayout, Screen and Device sections
				echo "Section \"ServerLayout\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Layout[all]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  # Reference the Screen sections for each driver.  This will" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  # cause the X server to try each in turn." >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Screen \"Screen-modesetting[0]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Screen \"Screen-fbdev[1]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "# For each supported driver, add a \"Device\" and \"Screen\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "# section." >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Device\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Device-modesetting[0]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Driver \"modesetting\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Screen\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Screen-modesetting[0]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Device \"Device-modesetting[0]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Device\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Device-fbdev[1]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Driver \"fbdev\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Screen\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Screen-fbdev[1]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Device \"Device-fbdev[1]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				# Remove the nvidia drivers
				${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i '/-nvidia-x11-/d' $newXorgFile
				# First convert the PCIE address to the format required by Xorg - Decimal,Colons,No Leading Zeros
				hexNvidiaPcieAddress=$(${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -r 's/\./\:/g' <<< "$hexNvidiaPcieAddress") # convert the last dot to a colon
				IFS=':' read -r -a hexNumbers <<< "$hexNvidiaPcieAddress" # read the string into an  array seperated by colons
				decimalNvidiaPcieAddress="" # create a new empty string variable
				for hexNumber in "''${hexNumbers[@]}"; do # Loop through each hexadecimal number and convert it to decimal
					hexNumber=$(echo "$hexNumber" | ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed 's/^0*//') # Strip leading zero
					decimalNumber=$(printf "%d" "0x$hexNumber") # convert to decimal
					decimalNvidiaPcieAddress="$decimalNvidiaPcieAddress""$decimalNumber"":" # add to new decimal string
				decimalNvidiaPcieAddress=$(sed -r 's/\:$//' <<< "$decimalNvidiaPcieAddress") # remove the final colon
				# Append the ServerLayout, Screen and Device sections with the right PCIE address
				echo "Section \"ServerLayout\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Layout[all]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Option \"AllowNVIDIAGPUScreens\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  # Reference the Screen sections for each driver.  This will" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  # cause the X server to try each in turn." >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Screen \"Screen-modesetting[2]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "# For each supported driver, add a \"Device\" and \"Screen\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "# section." >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Device\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Device-modesetting[2]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Driver \"modesetting\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  BusID \"PCI:0:2:0\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Screen\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Screen-modesetting[2]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Device \"Device-modesetting[2]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "Section \"Device\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Identifier \"Device-nvidia[2]\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Driver \"nvidia\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  BusID \"PCI:$decimalNvidiaPcieAddress\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "  Option \"AllowExternalGpus\"" >> "$newXorgFile"
				echo "EndSection" >> "$newXorgFile"
				# Remove the frame buffer drivers
				${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i '/-xf86-video-fbdev-/d' $newXorgFile
		# Script has completed
			exit 0

Add the shell script and nvitop to packages

  environment = {
  	systemPackages = with pkgs; [
			nvitop																												# 28Jun24 : cli top for nvidia card
			ShellScript-x-config-prepare-script														# 27Jun24 : Shell script to provision xorg.conf based on the presence and PCIE address of a specific NVidia card

Use a systemd service to run the shell script before the is reached

  systemd = {
		services = {
			x-config-prepare = {
				description = "Prepare X config for boot checking for NVidia card";
				documentation = [
				serviceConfig = {
					ExecStart = "${ShellScript-x-config-prepare-script}/bin/x-config-prepare-script";
					RemainAfterExit = false;
					Type = "oneshot";
				wantedBy = [
					""																				# 27Jun24 : run before

Blacklist any modules. For me I need to blacklist nouveau and i2c_nvidia_gpu as these both caused me issues.

	boot = {
		blacklistedKernelModules = [ 
			"i2c_nvidia_gpu"																							# 28Jun24 : This seems to cause issues for me when Nvidia drivers are loaded
			"nouveau"																											# 29May24 : Block nouveau driver for nVidia card

Setup the NVidia hardware as if it is going to be used. For me ‘finegrained’ made the eGPU work! Thanks @Solene for this helpful post

  hardware = {
		nvidia = {																											# 29May24 : Enable NVidia Hardware Support
			modesetting = {
				enable = true;																							# 29May24 : Modesetting is required.
			nvidiaSettings = true;																				# 29May24 : Enable the Nvidia settings menu, accessible via `nvidia-settings`.
			open = false;																									# 29May24 : Use the NVidia open source kernel module (not to be confused with nouveau)
			package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.beta;			# 29May24 : Optionally, you may need to select the appropriate driver version for your specific GPU. - stable, beta, production
			powerManagement = {
				enable = true;																							# 29May24 : Nvidia power management. Experimental, and can cause sleep/suspend to fail.
				finegrained = true;																					# 29May24 : Fine-grained power management. Turns off GPU when not in use.
			prime = {
				allowExternalGpu = true;
				offload = {
					enable = true;
				intelBusId = "PCI:0:2:0";																		#           00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] (rev 0c)
																																		#           The following are replaced by x-config-prepare-script based on the lspci at boot
				nvidiaBusId = "PCI:10:0:0";																	#           0a:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU116 [GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER] (rev a1) - with dock
				#nvidiaBusId = "PCI:4:0:0";																	#           04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU116 [GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER] (rev a1) - without dock
		opengl = {																											# 29May24 : Enable NVidia Hardware Support
			driSupport = true;
			driSupport32Bit = true;
			enable = true;

Setup services.xserver to;

  1. make use of lib, lib.mkAfter and maybe lib.mkForce (I needed it on 23.11 but not on 24.05)
  2. force x to start with a different config - Thanks @TLATER for this answer
  3. export xorg.conf to /etc/X11 - Thanks @Atemu for this answer
  4. load all three drivers. I don’t think this is supported see above.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

	services = {
		xserver = {
			desktopManager = {
				xfce.enable = true;																					# 10Feb24 : Enable the XFCE Desktop Environment
			displayManager = {
				defaultSession = "xfce";																		# 10Feb24 : Default Session should be XFCE
				lightdm.enable = true;																			# 10Feb24 : Enable the LightDM Display Manager
 				xserverArgs = lib.mkAfter [
 					"-config /tmp/ramdisk/xorg.conf"
 					"-xkbdir /etc/X11/xkb"
 					"-logfile /dev/null"
 					"-verbose 3"
 					"-nolisten tcp"
 					"-logfile /var/log/X.0.log :0"
 					"-seat seat0"
 					"-auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0"
 					"-nolisten tcp vt7"
			enable = true;																								# 10Feb24 : Enable the X11 windowing system
			exportConfiguration = lib.mkForce true;												# 27Jun24 : Put a symlink to the config into /etc/X11/xorg.conf
			videoDrivers = [																							# 29May24 : Enable NVidia Hardware Support

That should be it. Hope it helps someone.


A couple improvements:

  1. You could use systemd-tmpfilesd to create the dir. It’s much easier to use and more robust. It shouldn’t be necessary though as systemd should create mount points when mounting.
  2.<name>.script creates a service starting a certain script text for you. No need to add it to the system env either.
  3. You could look into triggering your scripts using udev; perhaps even enabling seamless hotplugging
1 Like

Thanks for the ideas. :pray:

systemd tmpfiles is new to me although it looks like it has been in linux for a while. I do use temp files from time to time and (until now) just manage my own creation and clean up! Need to look into it further to see if I can use it with tmpfs as most of my temporary files don’t need to persist across boot and tmpfs is like an automated house cleaner. Seems like that shouldn’t be an issue. Ta :white_check_mark:

The activationScript I use creates a lot of other folders too, not all of which are temporary, to set up the machine for what I want to do. Perhaps there is a better way to do this too? :man_shrugging: All I need really is to make sure certain folders exist with the right permissions, although I have looked at modifying my script above to safely backup a file that has the name of a folder I require.

I also hadn’t noticed the option to put the script directly into the systemd.service. For the script above this looks like a really good idea as I don’t use it from the command line. I have got in the habit of building scripts from the command line to test them, then putting them into the configuration and then calling them from systemd. I will add a step to my process to migrate ones like the above to the service itself. Awesome. :green_heart:

Re: udev and hotplugging - as far as I understand when X starts it is tied to a given set of video drivers. In order to change them you have to logout (and stop/restart X). hot-unplug is also needed and so far, removing the eGPU crashes X bady!!! If I have to logout, then rebooting is just as easy. I understand this might be different in Wayland but I found there were still a few things I couldn’t do in Wayland so I haven’t gone there yet. Futures though, because this would be really nice.

While systemd-tmpfilesd is intended for temporary files, it can also be (and, in the context of NixOS, usually is) used as a declarative method of creating files. As long as you don’t tell it when to delete things, it will keep the files in-tact.

As I said though, you shouldn’t need to create the dir in the first place.

1 Like

I will have a play around and familiarise myself with it. I’ll also experiment more with the mount options as I use these quite a bit so not having to make sure the folder is created before hand and doing less steps well be good. :+1: