Small update from the board

We would like to address a recent update posted by Determinate Systems, which can be viewed here: On community in Nix

For the sake of transparency, it’s important to clarify that while we are currently deliberating and working on the items pertaining to Eelco and Determinate Systems, the update was made independently by them and does not reflect the views of the board. The post was published without our consultation or knowledge.

You can expect more significant updates for next week.


  • Ron
  • Theophane
  • Jonas

Thank you for posting and for all your work, all of you. (Please get that fringe trimmed though, @zimbatm.)


I feel so bad for y’all on the board. This is a Kobayashi Maru. I hope you’re being kind to yourselves and planning on taking extra time off from work soon. This cuts deep on all sides.


Thanks for being a lot more transparent, I think it really helps.


Thanks for sharing. Take it easy the community will figure out its way I am sure

Thanks for the update and for the effords in trying to fix this situation. I hope the democratic power of the board is able to find a solution, so that this awesome technology and efford by so many people is not ruined by things out of their control.

Also maybe this post should get more visiblitity IMHO. Maybe pin it on top?

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I hope the democratic power of the board is able to find a solution

Note: the board is not democratically elected. There is no “democratic power of the board”.