good news everybody.
There is now a fully decentralized, cheap and fast storage network that we can utilize to create a paid, super fast, 100% uptime cache.
It utilize the power of sui, to coordinates storage nodes that store red-stuff encoded chunks of data.
Sui, is more a programmable object database with functions to implement behavior that runs on a worldwide DAG. It basically scales to infinite TPS, depending on the data structures used and has a finality of ~400ms. And cheap, tx cost usually around 0.2$ and can be paid by a third party.
In Walrus, you store data over epochs (1 day). For example, you want to 500 gb for 30 days, then you pay a certain amount of WAL tokens into the storage objects, and the system ensures the data is available and missing chunks restored.
Those who run a walrus node, earn WAL tokens for providing storage.
The data is highly distributed, but can be reassembled very CPU efficient Only 1/3+1 chunk need to arrive for reconstruction.
Data can be stored as read-only or encrypted.
Write is expensive, storage is cheap, read is for free.
- Define the storage objects we need and how the blobs and signatures should be stored.
- Create a SUI smart contract that accept any coins, uses a aggregator to convert them into WAL tokens and pays the archive.
- Create a fast rust daemon that can serve the archive.
- Add local and s3 caches interface
- Create tooling, allow to run custom archives, âŚ
Walrus is currently in testnet
https://tusky.io/ is a dropbox based on walrus and many more are comming.
You can test it out, and get some test sui / test walrus token.
I think this would solve the cache.nixos.org problematic perfectly.
You can run your own gateway in your local network and get a fully saturated link.
NixOS foundation can then work with a CDNs to serve cache.nixos.org distributed