I’ve been looking through home manager options here but I cannot see an option to set my desktop wallpaper under GNOME. Is there one I’ve missed?
You need to set it via dconf.setting
. An example how it is done can be found in Stylix: stylix/modules/gnome/hm.nix at b00c9f46ae6c27074d24d2db390f0ac5ebcc329f · danth/stylix · GitHub
If I’m honest, that file just confused me more. I am still getting my bearings with the Nix language. I have tried adding a dconf.settings to home manager and I get the build error:
rror: The option `dconf' does not exist. Definition values:
- In `/home/fusion809/NixOS-configs/home-manager.nix':
settings = {
"org/gnome/desktop/background" = {
color-shading-type = "solid";
picture-uri = "file://run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/Photo of Valley.jpg";
I would include the code I was using to incorporate it, but the error kind of showed you the code.
Oops, maybe pull the breaks on this error as I think it’s related to the gtk.cursorTheme issue I have. It seems like whatever option is listed last in home-manager.nix is going to give this error until whatever is happening there is fixed.
Now with that issue fixed, this dconf.settings
dconf.settings = {
"org/gnome/desktop/background" = {
color-shading-type = "solid";
picture-uri = "file://run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/Photo of Valley.jpg";
builds without error but does not set the background to this specified pic. How do I fix this issue?
Ah, issue was that I was using GNOME’s dark theme, so I needed to set picture-uri-dark