I’m trying to set up system service, starting vnc for a selected user using this snippet from my nixos module:
systemd.services =
let cfg = [
user = "user";
interface = "";
in lib.attrsets.mergeAttrsList (lib.lists.imap1 (i:
{ user, interface, ... }: {
"vncserver-${user}" = let home = config.users.users.${user}.home;
in {
environment = {
PATH = pkgs.lib.mkForce
XDG_DATA_DIRS = lib.makeSearchPath "share" ([
pkgs.gnome.gnome-control-center # for accessibility icon
pkgs.hicolor-icon-theme # empty icon theme as a base
] ++ config.environment.systemPackages);
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = "/run/user/${toString config.users.users.${user}.uid}";
unitConfig = {
Description = "Remote desktop service (VNC) :${toString i}";
After = "syslog.target network.target systemd-user-sessions.service";
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
User = "${user}";
WorkingDirectory = "${home}";
Restart = "always";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
script = ''
export DISPLAY=:${toString i}
# prepare Xauthority file
xauth -f $HOME/.Xauthority source - <<EOF
add $HOSTNAME$DISPLAY . $cookie
add $HOSTNAME/unix$DISPLAY . $cookie
exec Xvnc $DISPLAY -auth $HOME/.Xauthority -desktop $HOSTNAME$DISPLAY -interface ${interface} -PasswordFile=$HOME/.config/tigervnc/passwd & xvncPid=$!
($HOME/.config/tigervnc/xstartup &>$HOME/.local/state/desktop.log; sleep 0.5; kill $xvncPid )& dePid=$!
trap "kill $xfcePid; kill $xvncPid" TERM
wait $xfcePid
}) cfg);
Contents of ~/.config/tigervnc/xstartup
exec /nix/store/lzvpirsppkfs76m6hapaq99s30fk3zjh-xfce4-session-4.18.3/bin/startxfce4
As a result, some environment variables are missing when comparing normal login and using vnc. For example, XDG_DATA_DIRS
contain much less directories, XDG_SESSION_CLASS
are missing etc. It’s not only limited to XDG variables.
I can add a variable one by one, but it’s cumbersome and I feel that I’ll miss any new entries which will come in the future.
How can I start the X11 properly, replicating what lightdm does?