Startpage conifguration for firefox home-manager

Startpage’s firefox add-on/extension does not let you change its aliases/make it default or there is some weird naming I have made the proper setup for it to work like it should normally

# home.nix
{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
  home.username = "user";
  home.homeDirectory = "/home/user";
  # You do not need to change this if you're reading this in the future.
  # Don't ever change this after the first build.  Don't ask questions.
  home.stateVersion = "24.05";

  programs.firefox = {
   enable = true;
    profiles.default = {
    search = {
      force = true;
      default = "Startpage";
      engines = {
      "Startpage" = {
      urls = [{ template = "{searchTerms}&language=auto"; }];
      iconUpdateURL = "";
      updateInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; # every day
      definedAliases = [ "@s" ];

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