[Steam] [MangoHUD] MangoHUD report wsync=NONE in games launched through steam

As title says, MangoHUD report that wsync=none in games launched through steam.
Baldur’s gate 3 steam for example:
Launch commands: gamemoderun mangohud %command% MangoHUD reports: wsync - none
Launch commands: gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -f gamemoderun mangohud %command% MangoHUD report: wsync - fsync in overlay.
BG3 launched thought Heroic Launcher with Fsync/Esync enabled. MangoHUD report that wsync - fsync, as it should.
If I disable Fsync/Esync in heroic launcher, output wsync in overlay changes to none, which is correct behavior.

It used to report wsync - fsync before in games launched through steam also.
Is fsync not working correctly under steam FHS environment, or just MangoHUD can’t get correct wsync status for some reason anymore?