Suddenly can't open spotify on nixos

I can’t open it normally, and here’s what happens when I try to open it in the terminal:

/run/current-system/sw/bin/spotify: /nix/store/h9fak9ir0g4b71smh02664ym7mr3nlif-curl-8.4.0/lib/ no version information available (required by /run/current-system/sw/bin/spotify)
/nix/store/dhf5nysbanq1cs1jyvdc4k12s87dpmnf-spotify- /nix/store/h9fak9ir0g4b71smh02664ym7mr3nlif-curl-8.4.0/lib/ no version information available (required by /nix/store/dhf5nysbanq1cs1jyvdc4k12s87dpmnf-spotify-
/nix/store/dhf5nysbanq1cs1jyvdc4k12s87dpmnf-spotify- /nix/store/h9fak9ir0g4b71smh02664ym7mr3nlif-curl-8.4.0/lib/ no version information available (required by /nix/store/dhf5nysbanq1cs1jyvdc4k12s87dpmnf-spotify-
Gtk-Message: 04:52:56.677: Failed to load module “colorreload-gtk-module”
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type boost::filesystem::filesystem_error: boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied [system:13]: “/usr/share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps/spotify-client.png”
[1] 9027 abort (core dumped) spotify

Could you open an issue on Github and ping the maintainers of the package? That’s a better place to track packaging issues.

I’d also recommend you try a first-parent bisect between the last known revision of Nixpkgs where Spotify worked for you and the current one.


I have a very similar issue. Did you ever fix it? For me I get the following error: /run/current-system/sw/bin/spotify: /nix/store/8fc7nhir5bjswznxff7mkkl0xra9vx2h-curl-8.7.1/lib/ no version information available (required by /run/current-system/sw/bin/spotify) /nix/store/zxmmg5gm5rb0nvnhnbx7vqzjd1ihaiq3-spotify- /nix/store/8fc7nhir5bjswznxff7mkkl0xra9vx2h-curl-8.7.1/lib/ no version information available (required by /nix/store/zxmmg5gm5rb0nvnhnbx7vqzjd1ihaiq3-spotify- /nix/store/zxmmg5gm5rb0nvnhnbx7vqzjd1ihaiq3-spotify- /nix/store/8fc7nhir5bjswznxff7mkkl0xra9vx2h-curl-8.7.1/lib/ no version information available (required by /nix/store/zxmmg5gm5rb0nvnhnbx7vqzjd1ihaiq3-spotify-

I have the exact same issue and error message, did you fix it and do you remember how?

EDIT: clearing the cache worked, can do so by running the following rm -rf ~/.cache/spotify