Summer of Nix 2023

Hello, I have been regularly visiting the Summer of Nix website throughout the month of April, but I couldn’t find any details regarding this year’s Summer of Nix program. However, recently I noticed a banner indicating that the website has been archived and all the necessary information can now be accessed on GitHub. Despite already submitting my application, I am curious to know if there is any possibility of applying even after the deadline. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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Unfortunately this year we don’t have a budget or part of the program planned for working on things like the website.

No worries. Go ahead and apply.

hi! i was wondering if someone could confirm my application? i believe it was filled under getchoo at tuta dot io

i just want to confirm because it’s been on my mind for the past few weeks, as i’m not completely sure i entered the correct email (and i would rather not waste anyone’s time by making another one :upside_down_face:)

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extra characters to satisfy Discourse.

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Really great initiative, I was lucky to see it before registration ended!

Could you please also confirm my registration?


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More text for Discourse…

Hello everyone. The rest of the application process takes place in the Matrix communication network. If you’re interested in applying, please join this room.

This link is not working , i am trying to join

The link seems alright… Do you have a Matrix account?

For anyone interested in participating in 2024, here’s the call for mob facilitator applications:

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