Summer of Nix 2024: Call for participants

Apply for Summer of Nix 2024 to join one of four teams in making selected free and open source software (FOSS) projects work reliably on a whim using Nix and NixOS.


  • Meet the general eligibility requirements.
  • Profiency with at least one widely-used programming language
  • Experience with software development best practices (version control, testing, …)
  • Bonus: Nix experience
  • Bonus: Experience with contributing to open source software
  • Bonus: Mob programming experience

Compensation and benefits

The Summer of Nix motto is work, learn, and meet:

  • You will receive a stipend:
  • You will gain experience with Nix and open source software development
  • You will expand your professional network
  • You will get a free ticket for NixCon 2024
  • Your blog posts, talks, or public appearances related to Summer of Nix will find an audience in the Nix community

Working conditions

  • You will participate in 160 hours of mob programming sessions over 13 weeks, guided by mob facilitators and project organisers.
  • There will be opportunities for sharing experience and feedback.
  • Due to the nature of this project’s collaboration model, your work results, including your contributions to technical discussion, will appear in publicly accessible places on the internet, such as GitHub, and remain there indefinitely.

Check the 2023 Summer of Nix program updates for impressions of what to expect.

Application process

People from anywhere in the world can apply, regardless of background.
We strive to have a collaboration environment that is safe, constructive, friendly, and diverse.

  • Join the Summer of Nix 2024 facilitator introductions Matrix room.
  • Facilitators will announce their schedule and other team details.
  • Message one of the facilitators with your application until 2024-05-10.
  • Facilitators will select their team members among applicants, taking geographic, cultural, and gender diversity into account.
  • You will get a reply with the result by 2023-05-13.

I’m very much interested in this! I am a regular NixOS user and infrequent contributor to nixpkgs. I checked the eligibility criteria for the Summer of Nix 2024 programme and noticed that a “powerful-enough computer” that can handle video calls is necessary.

I’m afraid I do not own one. My PC and laptops died a year ago and the company where I intern provided me with a laptop for the duration of the internship which I obviously can’t use, for obvious reasons.

I’m not sure how to get around this problem. Any pointers?


@thefossguy I think this is a really great question. I don’t know where you are from. I am not sure if there is a way to use the stipend that you might receive for that end? But this is something only the organizer will be able to answer.


@thefossguy Please apply, at least in my team. I’ll figure out the computer situation if you end up getting selected. We are not in the business of censuring people based on the hardware they own.



Regarding the time I should be available during the day for the mob sessions, to accommodate with my current job my availability is a bit limited to some specific times.

Is there going to be some communication between team leaders to select people // move people between teams ti match timezones?
Is it ok if I apply to multiple teams to hope to have a spot at the right time during the day?

If I end up being a selected twice this might lead to problems :smile:

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@bew, other potentially interested people,
Each team is different, do apply to as much teams as you want, in the worse case scenario you have to choose at the end :wink:


Hello! I am interested to participate, however I will also be doing courses over the summer at my university (3 credit hours the first 8 weeks, then 7 credit hours the last 8 weeks). Is there a specific schedule the mob programming format will take, and would it be incompatible with taking summer courses?


You can check the matrix room linked in the application process. Every facilitator defines there own schedule/hours so you might find something fitting your own schedule.

And still that “power parity” completely misses that living in capitals is a lot more expensive than the median in the country.

Adjusting compensation by purchasing power parity is not our decision, this is part of the grant agreement with the European Commission. It’s just how it’s done for all such grants.

I’m interested in joining the summer Nix 2024 internship program.

Did you figure out how to apply?

If you read the post, it tells you how you can apply

To all applicants that are still waiting a final answer from the team they applied to: given that we received a lot of applications around the deadline (10th of may), some interviews are still pending for the beginning of next week. As a consequence, the final team compositions will be announced on wednesday. Thank you all for your patience!


Are they out yet? or would there be a further delay?

Applications have closed as planned, and candidates who were selected for participation have received notifications in the week following the application deadline.

Please excuse us if you have applied and may not have been notified of the result. Thank you for taking the time!

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