Tailscale - Old Version

I have just started using Tailscale and the version through Nixos seems to be 166.4 whereas the current version on all my other devices is 1.72.1. Is there a reason for this discrepancy?

NixOS stable channels like nixos-24.05 do not get significant package updates other than bug fixes and security updates. If you want the latest of everything all the time, use nixos-unstable instead.


I’m using it alongside for flakes. I don’t necessarily need the latest all the time but I thought it might be a little more up to date. I guess it’s not long till November when I assume there will be another upgrade to the packages on stable?

If you’re using flakes, you can just add the nixos-unstable input and get Tailscale from there.

I’ll see if I can work out how to add that in from a different source. It’s probably not all that difficult although my setup is very modular so I’ll have to pass the input down a couple of layers.

Tailscale might be security‐sensitive enough to justify backporting versions as standard, but it’s a judgement call made by package maintainers usually.