Testing addition to luaPackages

I’m trying to test an addition to nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix

Steps I took to test this:

  • Created a nixpkgs branch based off the commit of my current system flake.lock to avoid doing a full system rebuild.
  • Added the new package in this diff and pushed to the branch.
  • Updated my flake.nix to point nixpkgs to my personal branch.
  • Ran a system rebuild ( nh os switch )
  • Build failed, confirmed commit in flake.lock includes the update
  • Retried with a new package name to see if there were any conflicts with old builds, no difference

How I’m including the package:

  services.xserver.windowManager.awesome = {
    enable = true;
    luaModules = [ 
      # pkgs.luaPackages.vicious  # works

The error:

┃        error: A definition for option `services.xserver.windowManager.awesome.luaModules."[definition 1-entry 1]"' is not of type `packa…
┃        - In `/nix/store/s5fxscx6dcpy493c70m1na7i152ldhma-source/common/x/configuration.nix': <function>

The system throws this error before it even attempts a package build.

I can manually create the awesome-wm-widgets package locally and it works but I would like to submit the package upstream.

You’re missing the second argument to callPackage here:

-   );
+   ) { };

That was it, thank you!