The Dark Side of Empathy

In today’s video, we learn about the hidden dangers of empathy and how it can lead to burnout and negative impacts on your mental health.

Dr. K is a psychiatrist who has done a lot to help the gamer community.

In this video, he discusses the negative side effects of empathy, how it can lead to burnout and social contagion, and how it can be used to manipulate people. He also offers good alternatives.

This content reminded me of some aspects of past conflicts in the community, and in that light, I thought it could be an exciting resource to share.


People may also be interested in psychologist Paul Bloom’s book, Against Empathy.

Empathy is for close relationships. In a scientific community you seek understanding, which does not need to come encumbered with empathy.

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There were a few people/committer (with burnout?) but what about the conflicts in the community itself?

  • wasn’t that in it’s core due to an abuse of power and status instead of to much understanding and empathy?

It’s probably important to consume this in the context of his previous video:

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