Thunderbolt 4 Dock - Displayports

I got a 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-1260P, and bought a Dynabook Thunderbolt 4 Dock for my desk to have easy ability to connect to my two displays with max resolution/refresh-rate and peripheral.

The ouput of boltctl for the dock looks like this:

 ● Dynabook Thunderbolt 4 Dock
   ├─ type:          peripheral
   ├─ name:          Thunderbolt 4 Dock
   ├─ vendor:        Dynabook
   ├─ uuid:          048f8780-000b-594c-ffff-ffffffffffff
   ├─ generation:    USB4
   ├─ status:        authorized
   │  ├─ domain:     f5e08780-4157-8419-ffff-ffffffffffff
   │  ├─ rx speed:   40 Gb/s = 2 lanes * 20 Gb/s
   │  ├─ tx speed:   40 Gb/s = 2 lanes * 20 Gb/s
   │  └─ authflags:  none
   ├─ authorized:    Tue 22 Aug 2023 02:15:42 PM UTC
   ├─ connected:     Tue 22 Aug 2023 02:15:39 PM UTC
   └─ stored:        Tue 25 Jul 2023 07:09:26 AM UTC
      ├─ policy:     iommu
      └─ key:        no

When I connect the laptop via USB-C the first time everything works fine mostly and both displays show up as DP-6 and DP-9 and work, after powering off the dock via the button on it and waiting about half a minute or even multiple minutes, disconnecting the laptop between power-off of the dock and power on (without connecting it to any other device in the meanwhile) it reconnects as DP-7 and DP-10 where only DP-10 is working. If I try to enable DP-7 via wdisplay I get the error the display-server (or manager) can’t handle the request.

Compared to using two DisplayPort extension-cards and doing the same test it works fine and the ports are always the same (but not disconnected from the usb-c slot) only the DisplayPort-cable itself. I also tried it without any modules in the laptop except the one usb-c to connect the dock without difference.

I’m using wayland/sway, on nixos-unstable mostly setup via module-system and home-manager. Is there a way like udev-rule or something to reapply the same device-names for the display-ports on reconnect if available? Is there another solution / idea that comes to mind?

From what I understood and what was one driving point for this setup that with any Thunderbolt I shouldn’t have any need for DisplayLink, correct?

bolt-service logs:

Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 systemd[1]: Starting Thunderbolt system service...
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: bolt 0.9.5 starting up.
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: manager: initializing store
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: store: located at: /var/lib/boltd
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: config: loading user config
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: bouncer: initializing polkit
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: watchdog: enabled [pulse: 90s]
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: udev: initializing udev
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: store: loading domains
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: store: loading devices
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b                            ] store: loading device
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: power: state located at: /run/boltd/power
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: power: force power support: no
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: udev: enumerating devices
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] newly connected [iommu+user] (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.2/domain0/0-0)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: security level set to 'user'
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] domain: registered (bootacl: 0/0)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] bootacl: bootacl not supported, no sync
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] udev: failed to determine if uid is stable: unknown NHI PCI id '0x463e'
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] udev: uuid is stable: no (for NHI: 0x463e)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: global 'generation' set to '4'
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-Gen12                      ] device added, status: authorized, at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.2/domain0/0-0
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-Gen12                      ] labeling device: INTEL Gen12
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] newly connected [iommu+user] (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] domain: registered (bootacl: 0/0)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] bootacl: bootacl not supported, no sync
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] udev: failed to determine if uid is stable: unknown NHI PCI id '0x466d'
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] udev: uuid is stable: no (for NHI: 0x466d)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-Gen12                      ] device added, status: authorized, at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-Gen12                      ] labeling device: INTEL Gen12
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] parent is f5e08780-4157...
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] connected: authorized (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-domain0                    ] dbus: exported domain at /org/freedesktop/bolt/domains/6db98780_f07d_160e_ffff_ffffffffffff
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-domain1                    ] dbus: exported domain at /org/freedesktop/bolt/domains/f5e08780_4157_8419_ffff_ffffffffffff
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] dbus: exported device at /org/freedesktop/bolt/devices/048f8780_000b...
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [6db98780-f07d-Gen12                      ] dbus: exported device at /org/freedesktop/bolt/devices/6db98780_f07d...
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [f5e08780-4157-Gen12                      ] dbus: exported device at /org/freedesktop/bolt/devices/f5e08780_4157...
Aug 22 15:46:09 bsPF1201 systemd[1]: Started Thunderbolt system service.
Aug 22 16:13:00 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] disconnected (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] parent is f5e08780-4157...
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] connected: connected (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: authmode: enabled, policy: iommu, iommu: yes -> ok
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: security: iommu+user mode, key: no -> ok
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: probing: started [1000]
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] authorize: authorization prepared for 'user' level
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorizing -> authorizing
Aug 22 16:13:31 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorizing -> authorizing
Aug 22 16:13:33 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] authorize: finished: ok (status: authorized, flags: 0)
Aug 22 16:13:33 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: authorization successful
Aug 22 16:13:33 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorized -> authorized
Aug 22 16:13:36 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: probing: timeout, done: [2792984] (2000000)
Aug 22 16:14:57 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] disconnected (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] parent is f5e08780-4157...
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] connected: connected (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: authmode: enabled, policy: iommu, iommu: yes -> ok
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: security: iommu+user mode, key: no -> ok
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: probing: started [1000]
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] authorize: authorization prepared for 'user' level
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorizing -> authorizing
Aug 22 16:15:39 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorizing -> authorizing
Aug 22 16:15:42 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] authorize: finished: ok (status: authorized, flags: 0)
Aug 22 16:15:42 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] auto-auth: authorization successful
Aug 22 16:15:42 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] udev: device changed: authorized -> authorized
Aug 22 16:15:44 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: probing: timeout, done: [2793461] (2000000)
Aug 22 16:17:10 bsPF1201 boltd[2163]: [048f8780-000b-Thunderbolt 4 Dock         ] disconnected (/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.3/domain1/1-0/1-3)

wlr-randr output on success (first connect):

DP-9 "Dell Inc. DELL S2721DGF 7N15093 (DP-9)"
  Make: Dell Inc.
  Model: DELL S2721DGF
  Serial: XXX
  Physical size: 600x340 mm
  Enabled: yes
    2560x1440 px, 59.951000 Hz (preferred, current)
    2560x1440 px, 165.080002 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 143.912003 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 119.998001 Hz
    2048x1152 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1200 px, 59.884998 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 120.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 119.879997 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 24.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 23.976000 Hz
    1600x1200 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1680x1050 px, 59.953999 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 75.025002 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 60.020000 Hz
    1280x800 px, 59.810001 Hz
    1152x864 px, 75.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1280x720 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1024x768 px, 75.028999 Hz
    1024x768 px, 60.004002 Hz
    800x600 px, 75.000000 Hz
    800x600 px, 60.317001 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 75.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x400 px, 70.082001 Hz
  Position: 4364,0
  Transform: normal
  Scale: 1.000000
  Adaptive Sync: disabled
DP-6 "Dell Inc. DELL S2721DGF J11TR83 (DP-6)"
  Make: Dell Inc.
  Model: DELL S2721DGF
  Serial: XXX
  Physical size: 600x340 mm
  Enabled: yes
    2560x1440 px, 59.951000 Hz (preferred, current)
    2560x1440 px, 165.080002 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 143.912003 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 119.998001 Hz
    2048x1152 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1200 px, 59.884998 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 120.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 119.879997 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 24.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 23.976000 Hz
    1600x1200 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1680x1050 px, 59.953999 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 75.025002 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 60.020000 Hz
    1280x800 px, 59.810001 Hz
    1152x864 px, 75.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1280x720 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1024x768 px, 75.028999 Hz
    1024x768 px, 60.004002 Hz
    800x600 px, 75.000000 Hz
    800x600 px, 60.317001 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 75.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x400 px, 70.082001 Hz
  Position: 1804,0
  Transform: normal
  Scale: 1.000000
  Adaptive Sync: disabled
eDP-1 "BOE 0x095F (eDP-1)"
  Make: BOE
  Model: 0x095F
  Serial: (null)
  Physical size: 280x190 mm
  Enabled: yes
    2256x1504 px, 59.999001 Hz (preferred, current)
    2256x1504 px, 47.998001 Hz
  Position: 0,0
  Transform: normal
  Scale: 1.250000
  Adaptive Sync: disabled

On unsuccessful attempt (after power off - 30 sec - power on):

DP-10 "Dell Inc. DELL S2721DGF 7N15093 (DP-10)"
  Make: Dell Inc.
  Model: DELL S2721DGF
  Serial: XXX
  Physical size: 600x340 mm
  Enabled: yes
    2560x1440 px, 59.951000 Hz (preferred, current)
    2560x1440 px, 165.080002 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 143.912003 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 119.998001 Hz
    2048x1152 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1200 px, 59.884998 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 120.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 119.879997 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 24.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 23.976000 Hz
    1600x1200 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1680x1050 px, 59.953999 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 75.025002 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 60.020000 Hz
    1280x800 px, 59.810001 Hz
    1152x864 px, 75.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1280x720 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1024x768 px, 75.028999 Hz
    1024x768 px, 60.004002 Hz
    800x600 px, 75.000000 Hz
    800x600 px, 60.317001 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 75.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x400 px, 70.082001 Hz
  Position: 7291,0
  Transform: normal
  Scale: 1.000000
  Adaptive Sync: disabled
DP-7 "Dell Inc. DELL S2721DGF J11TR83 (DP-7)"
  Make: Dell Inc.
  Model: DELL S2721DGF
  Serial: XXX
  Physical size: 600x340 mm
  Enabled: no
    2560x1440 px, 59.951000 Hz (preferred)
    2560x1440 px, 165.080002 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 143.912003 Hz
    2560x1440 px, 119.998001 Hz
    2048x1152 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1200 px, 59.884998 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 120.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 119.879997 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 24.000000 Hz
    1920x1080 px, 23.976000 Hz
    1600x1200 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1680x1050 px, 59.953999 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 75.025002 Hz
    1280x1024 px, 60.020000 Hz
    1280x800 px, 59.810001 Hz
    1152x864 px, 75.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 60.000000 Hz
    1280x720 px, 59.939999 Hz
    1280x720 px, 50.000000 Hz
    1024x768 px, 75.028999 Hz
    1024x768 px, 60.004002 Hz
    800x600 px, 75.000000 Hz
    800x600 px, 60.317001 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x576 px, 50.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 75.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 60.000000 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    640x480 px, 59.939999 Hz
    720x400 px, 70.082001 Hz
eDP-1 "BOE 0x095F (eDP-1)"
  Make: BOE
  Model: 0x095F
  Serial: (null)
  Physical size: 280x190 mm
  Enabled: yes
    2256x1504 px, 59.999001 Hz (preferred, current)
    2256x1504 px, 47.998001 Hz
  Position: 5120,0
  Transform: normal
  Scale: 1.039062
  Adaptive Sync: disabled

Kernel-log: Debian paste error (hit post limit)
Let me know if I can provide any more information/test something out :slight_smile:

I was an early adopter of Thunderbolt (since 2012 or 13) and this sounds like one of many issues I had in past years. And my experience is that software solutions can’t fix buggy hardware / firmware. My recommendation is to return the dock (if you can) and buy a different one. I can give you a few recommendations if you like.

Hey, thanks for the response - sounds reasonable - I can’t return it but as I got it on-sale and it’s quite a nice dock for non-linux users then I think I can find someone with use for it :slight_smile:

Sure, I’m open to suggestions, I just know about this list so far:

Important features for me:

  • Includes power-supply
  • Upstream TB-Port (for extra Ethernet or temporary projector use)
  • 4+ USB3 ports
  • At best no USB2
  • 2x DELL S2721DGF via DisplayPort with 2560x1440 px, 165.080002 Hz preferably upgrade to 2x 4k possible in the future but not mandatory
  • 1x Ethernet (1G) included - 2.5G preferred
  • No DisplayLink

I will also have a looked up firmware-updates for the dock itself and found two suggested one:

but so far I couldn’t find a way to determinate the current firmware-version nor doing an update under linux with fwupdmgr so I might need to install windows on a spare nvme to do this (as the device updating needs TB as well I would assume)

Edit: I’ve also found an beta bios-update for the 12th gen intel-frameworks (12th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.06 Beta - Framework Laptop 13 - Framework Community) which should fix TB4 issues specifically so I’m tempted to try it but I need the device as daily driver.

I’m writing this post on System76 laptop connected to:

(but it is TB3) and I have it connected to 4k monitor.

I had a good experience with Lenovo docks connected to Lenovo laptops and with StarTech docks connected to HP/Dell/Lenovo.

I’d definitely recommend to get it from a store with easy return policy (Amazon). Firmware upgrade has never helped me with the dock issues but you can give it a try and update the dock firmware since this doesn’t look like an issue with your laptop.

1 Like

Thanks for the answer and suggestions :slight_smile: The firmeware-update didn’t help at all either the dock nor the bios ( :frowning_face:

This would be my top-list currently let me know if you have any experience with one of them or opinion on them - will post my experience when start testing here:

I need to check them against USB-C/Thunderbolt Dock Megathread - General Topics - Framework Community and bring them in some kind of priority but I have them all on price alerts in case I can get one very cheap for direct testing.

Also hoping for the 3.07 bios update from framework that may improve TB4 support in general.

I have a Framework 13" 12th gen connected via display port to 2x 4k monitors at 60 hz with the laptop closed. It seems to work with the laptop open, but I don’t use it that way enough to recommend. You have to follow the NixOS wiki instructions for the proprietary Displaylink binary download. Sometimes this binary uses one entire CPU core. Sometimes there is a bit of tearing but pretty rare. When I transition from the two screens to laptop mode, I have to restart GDM with alt-f2 r enter to get the mouse cursor back.

Plugable 4K USB C Docking Station Triple Monitor with 100W Power Delivery, USB C Dock for Thunderbolt 3/4, and USB-C Windows and Mac (3X HDMI and 3X DisplayPort, 1x USB-C, 4X USB 3.0, SD Card Reader)

Hey @ryantm, thanks for the response - I’m curios if I have a misunderstanding: Is DisplayLink still required for “pure”/dedicated Thunderbolt-Docks to work? I really was hoping after my last excursion with it to avoid it (for the rest of my life)… :see_no_evil:

I have tried both normal usb-c docks as well as TB docks with nixos - no displaylink needed.

1 Like

This particular dock can do one monitor without Displaylink but needs Displaylink for the other two outputs.

Interesting observation: I got another not DisplayLink but also not Thunderbolt dock in Sale from Lenovo which is a Kensington SD4839 USB-C Dock – EU I got verified before that there is a broader linux user-base and it has a change to work with another Laptop without TB as well which would be awesome for my use-case.

Now turns out it seems to be specific with sway/wayland as I don’t have the issue (with either oft the docks) when using KDE/Plasma with using “startplasma-wayland” as command for greetd. I thought it might be an easy fix and my unconventional setup where sway is completely installed with home-manager is the reason (still had the nixos-module active but with package null and extraPackages empty) but it does not seem like it. (as I switched to have the package maintained by the nixos-module with the same options as in home-manager before and home-manager only maintaining the config with package null) When I have more time I will look deeper into it e.g. what if I use gnome for example (running on wayland as well)

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