The full list of entries can be found here.
I have a script to export this variable without the unnecessary duplicates, which I would like to run during login. I tried programs.bash.loginShellInit, as well as home-managers option for appending content to .bashrc, but both of these fail to reduce the amount of paths set in XDG_DATA_DIRS.
So I’m assuming something else exports the variables, overwriting my changes. Any idea how to proceed here?
My flake can be found here, using latest nixpkgs-unstable with KDE 6.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::env;
fn clean_env_var(var_name: &str) {
if let Some(paths) = env::var_os(var_name) {
// Convert OsString to a String (lossy, but fine for paths)
let paths = paths.to_string_lossy();
// Split the paths by ':' and collect them into a vector
let paths_vec: Vec<&str> = paths.split(':').collect();
// Use a HashSet to track seen paths while preserving order
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let cleaned_paths: Vec<&str> = paths_vec
.filter(|&path| seen.insert(path)) // Keep only the first occurrence of each path
// Join the cleaned paths back into a single string with ':' as the delimiter
let cleaned_paths = cleaned_paths.join(":");
// Set the cleaned value back into the environment
env::set_var(var_name, &cleaned_paths);
// Print the cleaned value (optional)
println!("{}=\"{}\"", var_name, cleaned_paths);
} }
fn main() {
// List of environment variables to clean
let env_vars = [
// Clean each environment variable
for var in env_vars.iter() {
and then put it on ~/.bashrc eval $(WHERE-YOU-HAVE-YOUR-BINARY)
It takes me back 120 us (meaning 0.1 milliseconds) but it is worth it (for example SiYuan Notes, saves some 4 seconds from startup).
PS: I also have a ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/ with:
set -a
set +a