I am trying to build a kiosk that automatically build, based on configuration.nix. Theirs alot other stuff, but the key here is that i want to first tailscale to connect via a authkey and after that use grafana-kiosk pkgs via cage. I have successfully completed that grafana kiosk work with cage and run smooth, and tailscale does connect to tailnet based on authkey, but not on the first bootup.
First bootup:
- Connecting to tailnet via defined authkey.
- Cage wont work/fail (bc its trying to connect to a server in the tailnet).
If i try to start the cage-tty1.service manually afterwards its successfully runs and display, but it is a script, what is the point of manual labor tho:D
and if i reboot it, and its finish connected to the tailnet, cage work smoothly.
This is my cage config:
services.cage = {
enable = true;
user = "kioskusername";
program = ''
${pkgs.grafana-kiosk}/bin/grafana-kiosk \
-URL=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/ \
-login-method=local \
-username=usernamekiosk \
-password=mypass \
-kiosk-mode=full \
environment = {
# Make sure cage runs after tailscale.
systemd.services.cage-tty1 = {
after = [ "tailscaled-autoconnect.service" "tailscaled.service" ];
wants = [ "tailscaled-autoconnect.service" "tailscaled.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = 5;
And my Tailscale config looks like this:
services.tailscale = {
enable = true;
authKeyFile = ./ts-auth.key;
The key problem here is to make cage to run after tailscale successfully is running, and connected to the tailnet with maybe a few seconds sleep after.
Dont know with certain if i can run services.cage, and after that systemd.service.cage-tty1…
If anything is unclear please say so, and i will try to answer my best.
Every help would be appreciated
Thank you in advance.