Turn off autosuspend for usb

I have autosuspend that turn on automatically after each reboot and I always deactivate it through powertop menu. It’s autosuspend for unknown USB device which make my mouse disconnect after 3 seconds after each use, which is very annoying because it takes a few seconds to wake it up every time I want to use it
This is my power configuration :

  services = {
    thermald.enable = true;
    tlp = {
      enable = true;
      settings = {
        USB_AUTOSUSPEND = 0; # keep mouse awake
    blueman.enable = true;
    upower.enable = true;

But as you can see I already tried to disable it. I tried to remove powertop, but same thing

Where can I look to disable that ?

have you looked into your bios options. Some laptops have this “feature” build into the bios

Have you tried setting kernel params? If nothing else is messing with autosuspend, something like

boot.kernelParams = [ "usbcore.autosuspend=-1" ]; # or 120 to wait two minutes, etc

should have an effect. Parameter docs at: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/power-management.txt

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