Unable to install nix

I have tried to install nix on my mac with

curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh

At the end I have the following error:

~~> Setting up the default profile
installing 'nix-2.24.9'
error: the build users group 'nixbld' has no members

I have uninstalled with instructions found here:


and try another installation, without any success.

Can we see the full output (and maybe also a log of the uninstall commands/output)?

nix-build https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz -A installer

unpacking 'https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz' into the Git cache...
error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/d4k1cwp9g9987g1d9k4v88dijn232sbx.narinfo': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)

If I try https://cache.nixos.org/d4k1cwp9g9987g1d9k4v88dijn232sbx.narinfo in a browser, I have an error 404 (File not found).

I’m having the same issue after completely uninstalling, following the same instructions previously posted.

I’m working on getting the logs.

@unclejedimaster That doesn’t look like the same error.

I don’t think I’ve run into that error myself, but I’d guess it means either your user or the root user is in the nixbld group (I think the message means the invoking user–not a user named Nix).

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yeah, we were doing some troubleshooting and tried adding my user as well as root to the nixbld group - still didn’t work, no surprise. Then removed them from the group again. I’m still getting errors on my M1 MBP running Sequioia. Strangely though, the setup of Nix on my linux machine worked flawlessly the first time. So I’m not completely stuck, just have to use personal hardware instead of company.

What errors are you getting?