Unable to make a nixos-rebuild by vscode extensions

I was installing a custom flake when I find this error. Looks like is

warning: Git tree '/home/amerino/.dotfiles' is dirty
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.applyModuleArgsIfFunction` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: lib.crossLists is deprecated, use lib.cartesianProductOfSets instead
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.dischargeProperties` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.evalOptionValue` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: warning: literalExample is deprecated, use literalExpression instead, or use literalDocBook for a non-Nix description.
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.mergeModules` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.mergeModules'` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: warning: lib.mkFixStrictness has no effect and will be removed. It returns its argument unmodified, so you can just remove any calls.
trace: `lib.nixpkgsVersion` is deprecated, use `lib.version` instead!
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.pushDownProperties` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: warning: lib.readPathsFromFile is deprecated, use a list instead
trace: warning: replaceChars is a deprecated alias of replaceStrings, replace usages of it with replaceStrings.
trace: warning: External use of `lib.modules.unifyModuleSyntax` is deprecated. If your use case isn't covered by non-deprecated functions, we'd like to know more and perhaps support your use case well, instead of providing access to these low level functions. In this case please open an issue in https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues/.
trace: lib.zip is deprecated, use lib.zipAttrsWith instead
error: 'buildVscodeExtension' at /nix/store/4a3qxnlq7r1gjwfjfqrizpf30hh22bz1-source/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/vscode-utils.nix:3:26 called without required argument 'vscodeExtPublisher'

       at /nix/store/cvb9l5ch2dl52hqa3qxn430kv6ai7kbn-source/default.nix:181:5:

          180|   ''; in
          181|     pkgs.vscode-utils.buildVscodeExtension {
             |     ^
          182|       name = "rust-analyzer-${rust-analyzer-rev}";

I remove vscode and rust from the system, but the problem persist.

I set down the whole trace if someone can help me identify the issue.

Thanks in advice,

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:248:28:

          247|           # For definitions that have an associated option
          248|           declaredConfig = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: ! isOption v) (_: v: v.value) options;
             |                            ^

       … while calling 'mapAttrsRecursiveCond'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:590:5:

          589|     # Attribute set to recursively map over.
          590|     set:
             |     ^
          591|     let

       … while evaluating the attribute 'matchedOptions'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:668:14:

          667|     in {
          668|       inherit matchedOptions;
             |              ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:590:21:

          589|       # an attrset 'name' => list of submodules that declare ‘name’.
          590|       declsByName = byName "options" (module: option:
             |                     ^
          591|           [{ inherit (module) _file; options = option; }]

       … while calling 'byName'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:569:25:

          568|       */
          569|       byName = attr: f: modules:
             |                         ^
          570|         zipAttrsWith (n: concatLists)

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:240:33:

          239|           ({ inherit lib options config specialArgs; } // specialArgs);
          240|         in mergeModules prefix (reverseList collected);
             |                                 ^

       … while calling 'reverseList'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/lists.nix:406:17:

          405|   */
          406|   reverseList = xs:
             |                 ^
          407|     let l = length xs; in genList (n: elemAt xs (l - n - 1)) l;

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:235:25:

          234|       merged =
          235|         let collected = collectModules
             |                         ^
          236|           class

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:449:37:

          449|     in modulesPath: initialModules: args:
             |                                     ^
          450|       filterModules modulesPath (collectStructuredModules unknownModule "" initialModules args);

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:450:7:

          449|     in modulesPath: initialModules: args:
          450|       filterModules modulesPath (collectStructuredModules unknownModule "" initialModules args);
             |       ^

       … while calling 'filterModules'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:417:36:

          416|       # modules recursively. It returns the final list of unique-by-key modules
          417|       filterModules = modulesPath: { disabled, modules }:
             |                                    ^
          418|         let

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:443:31:

          442|           disabledKeys = concatMap ({ file, disabled }: map (moduleKey file) disabled) disabled;
          443|           keyFilter = filter (attrs: ! elem attrs.key disabledKeys);
             |                               ^
          444|         in map (attrs: attrs.module) (builtins.genericClosure {

       … while evaluating the attribute 'disabled'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:399:13:

          398|           collectResults = modules: {
          399|             disabled = concatLists (catAttrs "disabled" modules);
             |             ^
          400|             inherit modules;

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:404:22:

          403|           let
          404|             module = checkModule (loadModule args parentFile "${parentKey}:anon-${toString n}" x);
             |                      ^
          405|             collectedImports = collectStructuredModules module._file module.key module.imports args;

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:363:11:

          362|         then
          363|           m:
             |           ^
          364|             if m._class != null -> m._class == class

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:404:35:

          403|           let
          404|             module = checkModule (loadModule args parentFile "${parentKey}:anon-${toString n}" x);
             |                                   ^
          405|             collectedImports = collectStructuredModules module._file module.key module.imports args;

       … while calling 'loadModule'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:340:53:

          339|       # Like unifyModuleSyntax, but also imports paths and calls functions if necessary
          340|       loadModule = args: fallbackFile: fallbackKey: m:
             |                                                     ^
          341|         if isFunction m then

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/modules.nix:357:119:

          356|           let defs = [{ file = fallbackFile; value = m; }]; in
          357|           throw "Module imports can't be nested lists. Perhaps you meant to remove one level of lists? Definitions: ${showDefs defs}"
             |                                                                                                                       ^
          358|         else unifyModuleSyntax (toString m) (toString m) (applyModuleArgsIfFunction (toString m) (import m) args);

       … while calling 'showDefs'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/options.nix:406:14:

          406|   showDefs = defs: concatMapStrings (def:
             |              ^
          407|     let

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/options.nix:406:20:

          406|   showDefs = defs: concatMapStrings (def:
             |                    ^
          407|     let

       … while calling 'concatMapStrings'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/strings.nix:59:25:

           58|   */
           59|   concatMapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (map f list);
             |                         ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/options.nix:406:38:

          406|   showDefs = defs: concatMapStrings (def:
             |                                      ^
          407|     let

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/options.nix:410:10:

          409|       prettyEval = builtins.tryEval
          410|         (lib.generators.toPretty { }
             |          ^
          411|           (lib.generators.withRecursion { depthLimit = 10; throwOnDepthLimit = false; } def.value));

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:328:11:

          327|       else "[" + introSpace
          328|         + libStr.concatMapStringsSep introSpace (go (indent + "  ")) v
             |           ^
          329|         + outroSpace + "]"

       … while calling 'concatMapStringsSep'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/strings.nix:116:5:

          115|     # List of input strings
          116|     list: concatStringsSep sep (map f list);
             |     ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `home-manager`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `extraSpecialArgs`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `alejandra`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `inputs`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `fenix`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `outputs`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `packages`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `aarch64-darwin`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:10:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |          ^

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/attrsets.nix:539:16:

          538|     attrs:
          539|     map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
             |                ^

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:346:22:

          345|           + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
          346|               (name: value:
             |                      ^
          347|                 "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${

       … while evaluating an attribute `rust-analyzer-vscode-extension`

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:349:22:

          348|                   builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
          349|                     (go (indent + "  ") value)
             |                      ^
          350|                 };") v)

       … while calling 'go'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:297:18:

          296|     let
          297|     go = indent: v: with builtins;
             |                  ^
          298|     let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";

       … while evaluating call site

       at «none»:0: (source not available)

       … while calling 'evalNext'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:272:24:

          271|           let
          272|             evalNext = x: mapAny (depth + 1) (transform (depth + 1) x);
             |                        ^
          273|           in

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:272:27:

          271|           let
          272|             evalNext = x: mapAny (depth + 1) (transform (depth + 1) x);
             |                           ^
          273|           in

       … while calling anonymous lambda

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:270:40:

          269|           else id;
          270|         mapAny = with builtins; depth: v:
             |                                        ^
          271|           let

       … while evaluating call site

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/generators.nix:272:47:

          271|           let
          272|             evalNext = x: mapAny (depth + 1) (transform (depth + 1) x);
             |                                               ^
          273|           in

       … while calling 'id'

       at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/lib/trivial.nix:14:5:

           13|     # The value to return
           14|     x: x;
             |     ^

       error: 'buildVscodeExtension' at /nix/store/fwpalmvh6cnphvvd6n362a5cq22ixniz-source/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/vscode-utils.nix:3:26 called without required argument 'vscodeExtPublisher'

       at /nix/store/cvb9l5ch2dl52hqa3qxn430kv6ai7kbn-source/default.nix:181:5:

          180|   ''; in
          181|     pkgs.vscode-utils.buildVscodeExtension {
             |     ^
          182|       name = "rust-analyzer-${rust-analyzer-rev}";

Going to be very hard without seeing the code. Is it just in this file?

Hello, thanks to reply.
I don’t know if future errors will appear after this one, but at least this is the only one that appear to me when i run the nixos-rebuild switch.

  inherit (builtins)
    currentSystem elemAt filter fromJSON mapAttrs match readFile substring;

  getFlake = name:
    with (fromJSON (readFile ./flake.lock)).nodes.${name}.locked; {
      inherit rev;
      outPath = fetchTarball {
        url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
        sha256 = narHash;

{ system ? currentSystem
, pkgs ? import (getFlake "nixpkgs") { localSystem = { inherit system; }; }
, lib ? pkgs.lib
, rust-analyzer-src ? getFlake "rust-analyzer-src"
, rust-analyzer-rev ? substring 0 7 (rust-analyzer-src.rev or "0000000")

  inherit (lib)
    attrVals filterAttrs findFirst foldl importJSON importTOML mapAttrs'
    mapNullable nameValuePair optionalString optionals pathIsRegularFile unique

  v = pkgs.rust.toRustTarget pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform;

  combine' = pkgs.callPackage ./lib/combine.nix { };

  mkToolchain = pkgs.callPackage ./lib/mk-toolchain.nix { };

  nightlyToolchains = mapAttrs
    (_: mapAttrs (profile: mkToolchain "-nightly-${profile}"))
    (importJSON ./data/nightly.json);

  fromManifest' = target: suffix: manifest:
    let toolchain = mkToolchain suffix {
      inherit (manifest) date;
      components = mapAttrs
        (_: src: { inherit (src) url; sha256 = src.hash; })
        (filterAttrs (_: src: src ? available && src.available) (mapAttrs
          (_: pkg:
            if pkg.target ? "*" then
            else if pkg.target ? ${target} then
    }; in
    toolchain // mapAttrs'
      (k: v:
        nameValuePair "${k}Toolchain" (toolchain.withComponents
          (filter (component: toolchain ? ${component}) v)))
    // {
      inherit manifest;

  fromManifestFile' = target: name: file:
    fromManifest' target name (importTOML file);

  toolchainOf' = target:
    { root ? "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist"
    , channel ? "nightly"
    , date ? null
    , sha256 ? null
      url = "${root}${optionalString (date != null) "/${date}"}/channel-rust-${channel}.toml";
    fromManifestFile' target "-${channel}" (if (sha256 == null) then
      builtins.fetchurl url
      pkgs.fetchurl { inherit url sha256; });

  fromToolchainName = target: name: sha256:
        let target' = elemAt matches 4; in
        toolchainOf' (if target' == null then target else target') {
          inherit sha256;
          channel = elemAt matches 0;
          date = elemAt matches 2;

  fromToolchainFile' = target:
    { file ? null, dir ? null, sha256 ? null }:
      text = readFile (if file == null && dir != null then
        findFirst pathIsRegularFile
          (throw "No rust toolchain file found in ${dir}")
          [ (dir + "/rust-toolchain") (dir + "/rust-toolchain.toml") ]
      else if file != null && dir == null then
        throw "One and only one of `file` and `dir` should be specified");
      toolchain = fromToolchainName target text sha256;
    if toolchain == null then
      let t = (fromTOML text).toolchain; in
      if t ? path then
        throw "fenix doesn't support toolchain.path"
        let toolchain = fromToolchainName target t.channel sha256; in
        combine' "rust-${t.channel}" (attrVals
          (filter (component: toolchain ? ${component}) (unique
            (toolchain.manifest.profiles.${t.profile or "default"}
              ++ t.components or [ ])))
          toolchain ++ map
            (fromManifest' target "-${t.channel}" toolchain.manifest).rust-std)
          (t.targets or [ ]))

  mkToolchains = channel:
    let manifest = importJSON (./data + "/${channel}.json"); in
      (target: _: { ${channel} = fromManifest' target "-${channel}" manifest; })

nightlyToolchains.${v} // rec {
  combine = combine' "rust-mixed";

  fromManifest = fromManifest' v "";

  fromManifestFile = fromManifestFile' v "";

  toolchainOf = toolchainOf' v;

  fromToolchainFile = fromToolchainFile' v;

  stable = fromManifest' v "-stable" (importJSON ./data/stable.json);

  beta = fromManifest' v "-beta" (importJSON ./data/beta.json);

  targets = let collectedTargets = zipAttrsWith (_: foldl (x: y: x // y) { }) [
    (mkToolchains "stable")
    (mkToolchains "beta")
  ]; in
      (target: v:
        v // {
          fromManifest = fromManifest' target "";
          fromManifestFile = fromManifestFile' target "";
          toolchainOf = toolchainOf' target;
          fromToolchainFile = fromToolchainFile' target;

  rust-analyzer = (pkgs.makeRustPlatform {
    inherit (nightlyToolchains.${v}.minimal) cargo rustc;
  }).buildRustPackage {
    pname = "rust-analyzer-nightly";
    version = rust-analyzer-rev;
    src = rust-analyzer-src;
    cargoLock.lockFile = rust-analyzer-src + "/Cargo.lock";
    cargoBuildFlags = [ "-p" "rust-analyzer" ];
    buildInputs = with pkgs;
      optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
    doCheck = false;
    RUST_ANALYZER_REV = rust-analyzer-rev;
    meta.mainProgram = "rust-analyzer";

  rust-analyzer-vscode-extension = let setDefault = k: v: ''
    .contributes.configuration.properties."rust-analyzer.${k}".default = "${v}"
  ''; in
    pkgs.vscode-utils.buildVscodeExtension {
      name = "rust-analyzer-${rust-analyzer-rev}";
      src = ./data/rust-analyzer-vsix.zip;
      vscodeExtUniqueId = "matklad.rust-analyzer";
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ jq moreutils ];
      patchPhase = ''
        jq -e '
          ${setDefault "server.path" "${rust-analyzer}/bin/rust-analyzer"}
          | ${setDefault "updates.channel" "nightly"}
        ' package.json | sponge package.json

Best regards,

Well, that’s a copy of fenix’ default.nix. Looks like you’re maybe using a non-flake version of it somehow? Where and how do you import it?

As far I i find into my config the only place that fenix is set is on the flake.lock. more specifically is the input for alejandra formatter.

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alejandra does not evaluate that part of the code, you must be overlooking something. Do you have your config on GitHub or some other public forge?

This is the repo.