Unable to pair a bluetooth keyboard

I am using Dao keyboard with official ZMK configuration. I am able to connect it to my android phone just fine and I was once able to connect it to Manjaro and Win systems . even though all other bluetooth devices work just fine on my NixOS system I am unable to pair this particular keyboard:

[bluetooth]# pair <MAC>
Attempting to pair with <MAC>
[CHG] Device <MAC> Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[CHG] Device <MAC> Connected: no

I tried:

  • resetting the keyboard
  • rebooting the system
  • sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
  • updating the system (my last update was a month ago)
  • run bluetoothctl with sudo privileges
  • removing all other bluetooth devices
  • removing all bluetooth profiles on the keyboard
  • run untrust <MAC> and remove <MAC> before trying to pair

none of the above worked out for me. please help me fix the issue

Presumably when you pair the keyboard to a device for the first time, the device will ask you to type a pin code on the keyboard. Maybe failure to do this is the cause of org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed. You can test this on another system by first telling the system to forget the keyboard and then pairing it again.

Once the pairing succeeds, you should not have to enter the pin next time. Be aware that bluetooth devices have limited memory of what they are paired with. Some remember only the last paired device, while other remember several.

Also, be sure the keyboard is not trying to attach to your phone when you pair it to your computer. I would turn off bluetooth of the phone while sorting this out.

You may find helpful info in the Arch Wiki article on Bluetooth.

Be sure to check journalctl for more failure messages. When troubleshooting, I run journalctl -f in a separate window so I can quickly see info about unexpected behavior.

@ericgundrum’s advice on ArchWiki is where the solution is.

I just ran into this issue myself with my new Corne + nice!nano combo. In case someone finds this page in the future, here’s how I solved it.

nice!nano is a Bluetooth Low Energy device, so some Linux Desktops may have issues scanning for them. To solve this issue, follow the instructions in this ArchWiki article: Bluetooth - ArchWiki

Using bluetoothctl and changing the scan transport to LE was enough for my system to detect the keyboard.

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Hi I am having the same issue but with all bluetooth devices.
A couple of months ago, I was able to pair and connect to Bluetooth devices lib my headset.
But for 1 month approximately, I am unable to pair any new devices. However, I can still connect to my previously paired headset.
I don’t get any log in journalctl when I try to pair. I just got this output in bluetoothctl :

[bluetooth]# pair 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA
Attempting to pair with 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA
hci0 device_flags_changed: 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA (BR/EDR)
     supp: 0x00000001  curr: 0x00000000
hci0 type 7 discovering off
hci0 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA type BR/EDR connected eir_len 16
[CHG] Device 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA Connected: yes
hci0 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA auth failed with status 0x05 (Authentication Failed)
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
hci0 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA type BR/EDR disconnected with reason 2
[CHG] Device 74:45:CE:CC:4D:BA Connected: no
hci0 type 7 discovering on

Hey, I am having the same issue with my Totem which is using Xiao BLE. Did you manage to solve it? If so could you please tell me what you did, thanks!

Hey, I’m unable to add any bluetooth device also. I get the same error every time. I was still able to connect to previously paired devices tho.

Here’s my only bluetooth configuration on my system:

  hardware = {
    bluetooth.enable = true;
    bluetooth.settings.Input = {
      ClassicBondedOnly = false;

Full config here

It uses bluez 5.71