Just dropping a note for people who have deployed their own Hydra. This is advanced notice on an upcoming migration to Hydra’s schema. Almost all migrations to Hydra’s database are fast and performed automatically by hydra-init when starting the server. However, this migration will potentially take many hours and possibly over a day for large deployments. Because of that, we have designed the migration as a two-phased deployment, with a command-line program which will run the slowest part of the migration while the server is running.
This means, however, that Hydra admins must take care in the deployment and will ideally do the deploy in two phases.
@grahamc answered my question here, which I’ll copy to this thread:
the migration is completely online, except for the brief period of time where the columns are added (a few seconds in the first migration) and indices are added (up to a few minutes, second migration.)